-*- Text -*- This is the file .../info/dir, which contains the topmost node of the Info hierarchy. The first time you invoke Info you start off looking at that node, which is (dir)Top.  File: dir Node: Top This is the top of the INFO tree This (the Directory node) gives a menu of major topics. Typing "d" returns here, "q" exits, "?" lists all INFO commands, "h" gives a primer for first-timers, "mTexinfo" visits Texinfo topic, etc. --- PLEASE ADD DOCUMENTATION TO THIS TREE. (See INFO topic first.) --- * Menu: The list of major topics begins on the next line. System utilities: * AMD: (amdref). AMD Reference Manual. * DC: (dc). The GNU desk calculator. * GAWK: (gawk). The GNU AWK language interpreter manual. * Info: (info). Manual for this documentation browsing system. * Send-PR: (send-pr): Manual for the system used to send problem reports or contributions back to the FreeBSD maintainers. * UUCP: (uucp). UUCP Administration manual. Documentation tools: * Makeinfo: (makeinfo). GNU Makeinfo guide. * PTX: (ptx). GNU permuted index generator. * Texi: (texi). GNU TexInfo guide. Programming & development tools: * GDB annotation: (annotate). Annotations for the GNU Debugger (GDB). * AS: (as-all). The GNU Assembler manual. * comerr: (com_err). The Common Error Description library. * CPP: (cpp). The GNU C pre-processor manual. * GCC: (gcc). The GNU C/C++ compiler manual. * GXX Internals: (gxxint). Guide to the internals of the GNU C++ compiler. * GDB: (gdb). The GNU Debugger (C & C++) manual. * GDB Internals: (gdbint). Guide to the internals of GDB. * History: (history). The GNU History library. * Readline: (readline). The GNU Readline library * Regex: (regex). The GNU regular expression library. * Renovate: (reno). The GNU C++ Renovation Project documentation. * STABS: (stabs). All about the stab debugging information format.