.\" This source code is a product of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and is provided .\" for unrestricted use provided that this legend is included on all tape .\" media and as a part of the software program in whole or part. Users .\" may copy or modify this source code without charge, but are not authorized .\" to license or distribute it to anyone else except as part of a product or .\" program developed by the user. .\" .\" THIS PROGRAM CONTAINS SOURCE CODE COPYRIGHTED BY SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. .\" SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC., MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE SUITABLITY .\" OF SUCH SOURCE CODE FOR ANY PURPOSE. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT .\" EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. DISCLAIMS .\" ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO SUCH SOURCE CODE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED .\" WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN .\" NO EVENT SHALL SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, .\" INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING .\" FROM USE OF SUCH SOURCE CODE, REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY. .\" .\" This source code is provided with no support and without any obligation on .\" the part of Sun Microsystems, Inc. to assist in its use, correction, .\" modification or enhancement. .\" .\" SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE .\" INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHTS, TRADE SECRETS OR ANY PATENTS BY THIS .\" SOURCE CODE OR ANY PART THEREOF. .\" .\" Sun Microsystems, Inc. .\" 2550 Garcia Avenue .\" Mountain View, California 94043 .\" .\" Copyright (c) 1991 Sun Microsystems, Inc. .\" .\" @(#) dlopen.3 1.6 90/01/31 SMI .TH DLOPEN 3 "24 September 1989" .SH NAME dlopen, dlsym, dlerror, dlclose \- simple programmatic interface to the dynamic linker .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .ft B #include .LP .ft B .nf void *dlopen(path, mode) const char *path; int mode; .fi .ft R .LP .ft B .nfvoid *dlopen(path, mode) .fi .ft R .LP .ft B .nf void *dlsym(handle, symbol) void *handle; const char *symbol; .fi .ft R .LP .ft B .nf char *dlerror(\|) .fi .ft R .LP .ft B .nf int dlclose(handle); void *handle; .fi .ft R .ft R .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .IX "dlopen()" "" "\fLdlopen()\fP \(em dynamically load a shared object" .IX "programmatic interface to dynamic linker" dlopen() "" \fLdlopen()\fP .IX "dlsym()" "" "\fLdlsym()\fP \(em dynamically lookup a symbol" .IX "programmatic interface to dynamic linker" dlsym "" \fLdlsym()\fP .IX "dlerror()" "" "\fLdlerror()\fP \(em dynamic linking error string" .IX "programmatic interface to dynamic linker" dlerror() "" \fLdlerror()\fP .IX "dlclose()" "" "\fLdlclose()\fP \(em unload a shared object" .IX "programmatic interface to dynamic linker" dlclose() "" \fLdlclose()\fP .LP These functions provide a simple programmatic interface to the services of the dynamic link-editor. Operations are provided to add a new shared object to an program's address space, obtain the address bindings of symbols defined by such objects, and to remove such objects when their use is no longer required. .LP .B dlopen(\|) provides access to the shared object in .IR path , returning a descriptor that can be used for later references to the object in calls to .B dlsym(\|) and .BR dlclose(\|) . If .I path was not in the address space prior to the call to .BR dlopen(\|) , then it will be placed in the address space, and if it defines a function with the name .I _init that function will be called by .BR dlopen(\|) . If, however, .I path has already been placed in the address space in a previous call to .BR dlopen(\|) , then it will not be added a second time, although a count of .B dlopen(\|) operations on .I path will be maintained. .I mode is an integer containing flags describing options to be applied to the opening and loading process \(em it is reserved for future expansion and must always have the value 1. A null pointer supplied for .I path is interpreted as a reference to the \*(lqmain\*(rq executable of the process. If .B dlopen(\|) fails, it will return a null pointer. .LP .B dlsym(\|) returns the address binding of the symbol described in the null-terminated character string .I symbol as it occurs in the shared object identified by .IR handle . The symbols exported by objects added to the address space by .B dlopen(\|) can be accessed .I only through calls to .BR dlsym(\|) , such symbols do not supersede any definition of those symbols already present in the address space when the object is loaded, nor are they available to satisfy \*(lqnormal\*(rq dynamic linking references. .B dlsym(\|) returns a null pointer if the symbol can not be found. A null pointer supplied as the value of .I handle is interpreted as a reference to the executable from which the call to .B dlsym(\|) is being made \(em thus a shared object can reference its own symbols. .LP .B dlerror returns a null-terminated character string describing the last error that occurred during a .BR dlopen(\|) , .BR dlsym(\|) , or .BR dlclose(\|) . If no such error has occurred, then .B dlerror(\|) will return a null pointer. At each call to .BR dlerror(\|) , the \*(lqlast error\*(rq indication will be reset, thus in the case of two calls to .BR dlerror(\|) , and where the second call follows the first immediately, the second call will always return a null pointer. .LP .B dlclose(\|) deletes a reference to the shared object referenced by .IR handle . If the reference count drops to 0, then if the object referenced by .I handle defines a function .IR _fini , that function will be called, the object removed from the address space, and .I handle destroyed. If .B dlclose(\|) is successful, it will return a value of 0. A failing call to .B dlclose(\|) will return a non-zero value. .LP The object-intrinsic functions .I _init and .I _fini are called with no arguments and treated as though their types were .BR void . .SH SEE ALSO .BR ld (1), .BR link (5) .SH NOTES