# This was GNUmakefile # I have changed the library a bit since I was last able to test the # build so this may require a little tweaking. # have fun. ifeq ($(wildcard ../Rules),) # no glibc include Makefile.uni else # We are part of glibc default_cflags:= -O2 subdir := des headers:= des.h rpc_des.h routines:= $(destest) cbc3_enc cbc_cksm cbc_enc cfb64enc cfb_enc \ ecb3_enc ecb_enc ede_enc enc_read enc_writ \ fcrypt ncbc_enc ofb64enc ofb_enc pcbc_enc \ qud_cksm rand_key read_pwd rpc_enc set_key \ str2key cfb64ede ofb64ede supp distribute:= ARTISTIC COPYRIGHT FILES INSTALL Imakefile README VERSION \ GNUmakefile times vms.com KERBEROS MODES.DES \ des.man des_crypt.man \ des_ver.h des_locl.h podd.h sk.h spr.h \ des.pl testdes.pl doIP doPC1 doPC2 PC1 PC2 shifts.pl \ des.doc makefile.bc tests:= destest speed override +gccwarn := -w others:= des rpw install:= des include ../Rules endif