Control Codes and Escape Sequences supported by pcvt =============================================================================== CONTROL CODES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUL (0x00) ignored SOH (0x01) ignored STX (0x02) ignored ETX (0x03) ignored EOT (0x04) ignored ENQ (0x05) ignored ACK (0x06) ignored BEL (0x07) beep BS (0x08) move one character position to the left until at left margin HT (0x09) move to next tab stop LF (0x0a) move to next line, same column VT (0x0b) move to next line, same column FF (0x0c) move to next line, same column CR (0x0d) move to left margin on current column SO (0x0e) invoke character set G1 into GL SI (0x0f) invoke character set G0 into GL DLE (0x10) ignored DC1 (0x11) ignored DC2 (0x12) ignored DC3 (0x13) ignored DC4 (0x14) ignored NAK (0x15) ignored SYN (0x16) ignored ETB (0x17) ignored CAN (0x18) abort current escape sequence EM (0x19) ignored SUB (0x1a) abort current escape sequence ESC (0x1b) start of escape sequence FS (0x1c) ignored GS (0x1d) ignored RS (0x1e) ignored US (0x1f) ignored VT220 control codes in the range 0x80 .. 0x9f are completely ignored, but displayed as C1 display controls. ESCAPE SEQUENCES DIGITAL EQUIPMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ni) = not implemented yet, all hooks available inside emulator!

= numeric parameter ESC space F select 7-bit c1 control transmission (ni) ESC space G select 8-bit c1 control transmission (ni) ESC # 3 double height top half (ni) ESC # 4 double height bottom half (ni) ESC # 5 single width single height (ni) ESC # 6 double width single height (ni) ESC # 8 fill screen with 'E's ESC 7 save cursor ESC 8 restore cursor ESC = keypad application mode ESC > keypad numeric mode ESC D index ESC E next line ESC H set tab at cur col ESC M reverse index ESC N single shift G2 ESC O single shift G3 ESC Z who are you ESC d Only available if PCVT_SETCOLOR was defined when compiling the kernel, allows to set custom color table for more info, see pcvt_out.c ... ESC c power up reset ESC n Lock Shift G2 -> GL ESC o Lock Shift G3 -> GL ESC } Lock Shift G2 -> GR ESC | Lock Shift G3 -> GR ESC ~ Lock Shift G1 -> GR ESC [ ?

h set dec private modes ESC [ ?

l reset dec private modes 1 CKM - cursor key mode 6 OM - origin mode 7 AWM - auto wrap mode ESC [

' z DECELR - Enable Locator Report (ni) ESC [

' { DECSLE - Select type of locator events (ni) ESC [ ? n Terminal Reports ESC [ ? K selective erase in line ESC [ ? J selective erase in display ESC [

@ insert char(s) ESC [

A cursor up ESC [

B cursor down ESC [

C cursor forward ESC [

D cursor backward ESC [

H cursor direct cursor addressing ESC [

J erase screen ESC [

K erase line ESC [

L insert line ESC [

M delete line ESC [

P delete char ESC [

S scroll up ESC [

T scroll down ESC [

X erase character ESC [

c device attributes ESC [

f direct cursor addressing ESC [

g clear tabs ESC [

h set mode ESC [

l reset mode 4 IRM - insert replacement mode 20 LNM - line feed / newline mode ESC [

i media copy (ni) ESC [

m select graphic rendition 0 reset to normal attributes 1 bold 4 underline 5 blinking 7 reverse 22 bold off 24 underline off 25 blinking off 27 reverse off 30-37 foreground colors (on color display) 40-47 background colors (on color display) ESC [

n device status report ESC [

r set scrolling region ESC [

x request / report terminal parameters ESC [

y invoke selftests (ni) ESC [ x request/report parameters ESC [ y invoke seftest(s) ESC [ " q SCA ESC [ ! p SCA ESC (

designate G0 ESC )

designate G1 ESC *

designate G2 ESC +

designate G3 ESC -

designate G1 (96) ESC .

designate G2 (96) ESC /

designate G3 (96) A British or ISO-Latin-1 B USASCII C Finnish 5 Finnish E Norwegian/Danish 6 Norwegian/Danish H Swedish 7 Swedish K German Q French Canadien R French Y Italian Z Spanish 0 special graphics 1 alternate ROM 2 alt ROM, spec graphics 3 HP Roman 8, upper 128 chars*/ 4 Dutch < DEC Supplemental = Swiss > DEC Technical ESCAPE SEQUENCES HEWLETT-PACKARD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ESC&fakdL