INSTALL_SEC Bind with Secure DNS (TIS/DNSSEC) Version 1.3.0 Beta September 1996 This version has been compiled and tested on SUNOS 4.1.3, FreeBSD-2.1.5-REL and Linux 2.0.11. There may be still be portability problems. If you have access to other hardware platforms please let us know if there are any problems porting and send us patches, to include in future releases. This version of secure Bind uses RSAREF-2.0 library from RSA, First you should get/read the RSAREF FAQ Then you can copy RSAREF from You need to read this README file carefully for further instructions. Installation: (this version is based on 4.9.4-REL-P1). 1. The tar ball will create a directory sec_bind in the current directory untar the archive The content of the sec_bind directory has the same directory structure as bind distribution with the addition of the directories dnssec_lib/ and signer/, some named directories have been deleted from the distribution. dnssec_lib/ contains the library files for signature generation signer/ contains tools for signing bind boot files and generating keys. In addition, there is a new file, "res/res_sign.c", which contains library routines that are required in the resolver for displaying new RR types. You need to tailor sec_bind/Makefile to your system as you do with bind distributions. The sec_bind distribution expects to find RSAREF in the rsaref/ subdirectory. If you install RSAREF in a different place you can place a pointer to the RSAREF installation directory in place of sec_bind/rsaref. sec_bind/Makefile expects to find the RSAREF library file at sec_bind/rsaref/lib/rsaref.a. The RSAREF distribution does not contain that directory. If you are installing RSAREF for the first time create that directory copy the correct Makefile from the appropriate rsaref/install/ subdirectory. Sec_bind will compile RSAREF for you. We recommend that you use an ANSI C compliant compiler to compile this distribution. 2. Follow Bind installation guidelines on your system Set your normal configuration in conf/options.h with the following exceptions/additions: ROUND_ROBIN must be OFF (for right now) DNS_SECURITY must be ON RSAREF must be ON if you have a copy of RSAREF. This version of sec_bind does not work well without RSAREF. 3. make If you are going to use make install everything will work right out of the box. If you are going to run programs out of the sec_bind directory you need to set the DESTEXEC variables accordingly. 4. Once everything compiles you can run the simple test that is include in the distribution. First you need to edit the file signer/simple_test/test.boot to set directory directive to the full path of the directory this file is in. Now the signer program can be run to sign the simple_test data. The signed zone will be written to /tmp % cd sec_bind/signer % make test The passwords for the keys in the distribution are: Key: Password: mobile Notice the differences between simple_test/test.boot and /tmp/test.boot. The pubkey directive are required for correct behavior of new named. To check the if named can read the new zone files and verify the signatures run following commands % cd ../named % make test Exit/error code 66 indicates that program completed normally in "load-only" mode (new -l flag). If you want to load up named run same command as make test does without -l flag. (the -d 3 flag is to make sure the process does not do a fork). % ./named -p 12345 -b /tmp/test.boot -d 3 % cd ../tools % ./dig @localhost -p 12345 This should return an A record + SIG(A) record % ./dig @localhost -p 12345 This should return a NXT record +SIG(NXT) for * You can also test against our nameserver for zone the host is % ./dig soa will return the SOA and SIG(SOA) + KEY % ./dig mb will return NXT for % ./dig ns will NS +KEY for 5. Converting your setup to secure DNS zones. need to create a key for your zone. If you have a copy of the last release of sec_bind the key file format has changed and you need to regenerate all your keys, Sorry. The new format for private key files is portable between different architectures and operating systems, the encryption of the key file is compatible with the des program. To generate key use sec_bind/signer/key_gen. To generate zone key for name, with 512 bit modulus and exponent of 3, execute following command % cd signer % ./key_gen -z -g 512 key_gen will ask for an encryption password for the private key file, if you do not want to encrypt the key hit . The program will output resource record suitable for zone file. key_gen creates two files and If you want, at any time, to display the public key for run key_gen without the -g flag or cat file key_gen without any flags will print out the usage information. key_gen has extensive error checking on flags. To modify the flags field for an existing key run key_gen with the new flags but without the -g flag. Note: The key above is suitable for signing records but not for encrypting data. 6. Send problems, fixes and suggestions to