#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998 Shigio Yamaguchi. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software # must display the following acknowledgement: # This product includes software developed by Shigio Yamaguchi. # 4. Neither the name of the author nor the names of any co-contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # htags.pl 10-Nov-98 # $com = $0; $com =~ s/.*\///; $usage = "usage: $com [-a][-c][-f][-h][-l][-n][-v][-w][-t title][-d tagdir][dir]\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # COMMAND EXISTENCE CHECK #------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach $c ('sort', 'gtags', 'global', 'btreeop') { if (!&'usable($c)) { &'error("'$c' command is required but not found."); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONFIGURATION #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # temporary directory $'tmp = '/tmp'; if (defined($ENV{'TMPDIR'}) && -d $ENV{'TMPDIR'}) { $tmp = $ENV{'TMPDIR'}; } $'ncol = 4; # columns of line number $'tabs = 8; # tab skip $'gzipped_suffix = 'ghtml'; # suffix of gzipped html file # # font # $'title_begin = ''; $'title_end = ''; $'comment_begin = ''; # /* ... */ $'comment_end = ''; $'sharp_begin = ''; # #define, #include or so on $'sharp_end = ''; $'brace_begin = ''; # { ... } $'brace_end = ''; $'reserved_begin = ''; # if, while, for or so on $'reserved_end = ''; # # color # $'body_bgcolor = ''; $'body_text = ''; $'body_link = ''; $'body_vlink = ''; $'body_alink = ''; # # Reserved words for C and Java are hard coded. # (configuration parameter 'reserved_words' was deleted.) # $'c_reserved_words = "auto,break,case,char,continue,default,do,double,else," . "extern,float,for,goto,if,int,long,register,return," . "short,sizeof,static,struct,switch,typedef,union," . "unsigned,void,while"; $'java_reserved_words = "abstract,boolean,break,byte,case,catch,char,class," . "const,continue,default,do,double,else,extends,false," . "final,finally,float,for,goto,if,implements,import," . "instanceof,int,interface,long,native,new,null," . "package,private,protected,public,return,short," . "static,super,switch,synchronized,this,throw,throws," . "union,transient,true,try,void,volatile,while"; $'c_reserved_words =~ s/,/|/g; $'java_reserved_words =~ s/,/|/g; # # read values from global.conf # chop($config = `gtags --config`); if ($config) { if ($var1 = &'getconf('ncol')) { if ($var1 < 1 || $var1 > 10) { print STDERR "Warning: parameter 'ncol' ignored becase the value is too large or too small.\n"; } else { $ncol = $var1; } } if ($var1 = &'getconf('tabs')) { if ($var1 < 1 || $var1 > 32) { print STDERR "Warning: parameter 'tabs' ignored becase the value is too large or too small.\n"; } else { $tabs = $var1; } } if ($var1 = &'getconf('gzipped_suffix')) { $gzipped_suffix = $var1; } if (($var1 = &'getconf('title_begin')) && ($var2 = &'getconf('title_end'))) { $title_begin = $var1; $title_end = $var2; } if (($var1 = &'getconf('comment_begin')) && ($var2 = &'getconf('comment_end'))) { $comment_begin = $var1; $comment_end = $var2; } if (($var1 = &'getconf('sharp_begin')) && ($var2 = &'getconf('sharp_end'))) { $sharp_begin = $var1; $sharp_end = $var2; } if (($var1 = &'getconf('brace_begin')) && ($var2 = &'getconf('brace_end'))) { $brace_begin = $var1; $brace_end = $var2; } if (($var1 = &'getconf('reserved_begin')) && ($var2 = &'getconf('reserved_end'))) { $reserved_begin = $var1; $reserved_end = $var2; } $body_bgcolor = $var1 if ($var1 = &'getconf('bgcolor')); $body_text = $var1 if ($var1 = &'getconf('text')); $body_link = $var1 if ($var1 = &'getconf('link')); $body_vlink = $var1 if ($var1 = &'getconf('vlink')); $body_alink = $var1 if ($var1 = &'getconf('alink')); } # HTML tag $'begin_html = "\n"; $'end_html = "\n"; $'begin_body = '')); $'begin_script="\n"; $'default_view= "// if your browser doesn't support javascript, write a BASE tag statically.\n" . "if (parent.frames.length)\n" . " document.write($langle+'BASE TARGET=mains'+$rangle)\n"; $'rewrite_href_funcs = "if (parent.frames.length && parent.funcs == self) {\n" . " document.links[0].href = '../funcs.html';\n" . " document.links[document.links.length - 1].href = '../funcs.html';\n" . "}\n"; $'rewrite_href_files = "if (parent.frames.length && parent.files == self) {\n" . " document.links[0].href = '../files.html';\n" . " document.links[document.links.length - 1].href = '../files.html';\n" . "}\n"; sub set_header { local($display, $title, $script) = @_; local($head) = "$title"; if ($script || ($'hflag && $display)) { $head .= "\n"; $head .= $'begin_script; $head .= $script if ($script); if ($'hflag && $display) { $title = '[' . $title . ']' if ($title); $head .= "if (parent.frames.length && parent.mains == self) {\n"; $head .= " parent.title.document.open();\n"; $head .= " parent.title.document.write('


');\n"; $head .= " parent.title.document.close();\n"; $head .= "}\n"; } $head .= $'end_script; } $head .= "\n"; $head; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # UTIRITIES #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getcwd { local($dir) = `/bin/pwd`; chop($dir); $dir; } sub realpath { local($dir) = @_; local($cwd) = &getcwd; chdir($dir) || &'error("cannot change directory '$dir'."); local($new) = &getcwd; chdir($cwd) || &'error("cannot recover current directory '$cwd'."); $new; } sub date { local($date) = `date`; chop($date); $date; } sub error { &clean(); printf STDERR "$com: $_[0]\n"; exit 1; } sub clean { &anchor'finish(); &cache'close(); } sub escape { local($c) = @_; '%' . sprintf("%x", ord($c)); } sub usable { local($command) = @_; foreach (split(/:/, $ENV{'PATH'})) { return 1 if (-x "$_/$command"); } return 0; } sub copy { local($from, $to) = @_; local($ret) = system("cp $from $to"); $ret = $ret / 256; $ret = ($ret == 0) ? 1 : 0; $ret; } sub getconf { local($name) = @_; local($val); chop($val = `gtags --config $name`); if ($? != 0) { $val = ''; } $val; } sub path2file { local($path) = @_; $path =~ s/^\.\///; $path =~ s!/!$'SEP!g; $path . '.' . $'HTML; } sub path2url { local($path) = @_; $path =~ s/^\.\///; $path =~ s!/!$'ESCSEP!g; $path . '.' . $'HTML; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCESS START #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # options check. # $'aflag = $'cflag = $'fflag = $'hflag = $'lflag = $'nflag = $'vflag = $'wflag = ''; while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) { $opt = shift; if ($opt =~ /[^-acfhlnvwtd]/) { print STDERR $usage; exit 1; } if ($opt =~ /a/) { $'aflag = 'a'; } if ($opt =~ /c/) { $'cflag = 'c'; } if ($opt =~ /f/) { $'fflag = 'f'; } if ($opt =~ /h/) { $'hflag = 'h'; } if ($opt =~ /l/) { $'lflag = 'l'; } if ($opt =~ /n/) { $'nflag = 'n'; } if ($opt =~ /v/) { $'vflag = 'v'; } if ($opt =~ /w/) { $'wflag = 'w'; } if ($opt =~ /t/) { $opt = shift; last if ($opt eq ''); $title = $opt; } elsif ($opt =~ /d/) { $opt = shift; last if ($opt eq ''); $dbpath = $opt; } } if ($'cflag && !&'usable('gzip')) { print STDERR "Warning: 'gzip' command not found. -c option ignored.\n"; $'cflag = ''; } if (!$title) { @cwd = split('/', &'getcwd); $title = $cwd[$#cwd]; } $dbpath = '.' if (!$dbpath); unless (-r "$dbpath/GTAGS" && -r "$dbpath/GRTAGS") { &'error("GTAGS and GRTAGS not found. Please make them."); } $dbpath = &'realpath($dbpath); # # for global(1) # $ENV{'GTAGSROOT'} = &'getcwd(); $ENV{'GTAGSDBPATH'} = $dbpath; delete $ENV{'GTAGSLIBPATH'}; # # check directories # $dist = &'getcwd() . '/HTML'; if ($ARGV[0]) { $cwd = &'getcwd(); unless (-w $ARGV[0]) { &'error("'$ARGV[0]' is not writable directory."); } chdir($ARGV[0]) || &'error("directory '$ARGV[0]' not found."); $dist = &'getcwd() . '/HTML'; chdir($cwd) || &'error("cannot return to original directory."); } # # find filter # $'findcom = "gtags --find"; # # check if GTAGS, GRTAGS is the latest. # $gtags_ctime = (stat("$dbpath/GTAGS"))[10]; open(FIND, "$'findcom |") || &'error("cannot fork."); while () { chop; if ($gtags_ctime < (stat($_))[10]) { &'error("GTAGS is not the latest one. Please remake it."); } } close(FIND); if ($?) { &'error("cannot traverse directory."); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MAKE FILES #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # HTML/cgi-bin/global.cgi ... CGI program (1) # HTML/cgi-bin/ghtml.cgi ... unzip script (1) # HTML/.htaccess.skel ... skelton of .htaccess (1) # HTML/help.html ... help file (2) # HTML/$REFS/* ... referencies (3) # HTML/$DEFS/* ... definitions (3) # HTML/funcs.html ... function index (4) # HTML/funcs/* ... function index (4) # HTML/files.html ... file index (5) # HTML/files/* ... file index (5) # HTML/index.html ... index file (6) # HTML/mains.html ... main index (7) # HTML/null.html ... main null html (7) # HTML/$SRCS/ ... source files (8) # HTML/$INCS/ ... include file index (9) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- $'HTML = ($'cflag) ? $gzipped_suffix : 'html'; print STDERR "[", &'date, "] ", "Htags started\n" if ($'vflag); # # (0) make directories # print STDERR "[", &'date, "] ", "(0) making directories ...\n" if ($'vflag); mkdir($dist, 0777) || &'error("cannot make directory '$dist'.") if (! -d $dist); foreach $d ($SRCS, $INCS, $DEFS, $REFS, files, funcs) { mkdir("$dist/$d", 0775) || &'error("cannot make HTML directory") if (! -d "$dist/$d"); } if ($'fflag || $'cflag) { mkdir("$dist/cgi-bin", 0775) || &'error("cannot make cgi-bin directory") if (! -d "$dist/cgi-bin"); } # # (1) make CGI program # if ($'fflag) { print STDERR "[", &'date, "] ", "(1) making CGI program ...\n" if ($'vflag); &makeprogram("$dist/cgi-bin/global.cgi") || &'error("cannot make CGI program."); chmod(0755, "$dist/cgi-bin/global.cgi") || &'error("cannot chmod CGI program."); unlink("$dist/cgi-bin/GTAGS", "$dist/cgi-bin/GRTAGS", "$dist/cgi-bin/GPATH"); link("$dbpath/GTAGS", "$dist/cgi-bin/GTAGS") || &'copy("$dbpath/GTAGS", "$dist/cgi-bin/GTAGS") || &'error("cannot copy GTAGS."); link("$dbpath/GRTAGS", "$dist/cgi-bin/GRTAGS") || &'copy("$dbpath/GRTAGS", "$dist/cgi-bin/GRTAGS") || &'error("cannot copy GRTAGS."); link("$dbpath/GPATH", "$dist/cgi-bin/GPATH") || &'copy("$dbpath/GPATH", "$dist/cgi-bin/GPATH") || &'error("cannot copy GPATH."); } if ($'cflag) { &makehtaccess("$dist/.htaccess.skel") || &'error("cannot make .htaccess skelton."); &makeghtml("$dist/cgi-bin/ghtml.cgi") || &'error("cannot make unzip script."); chmod(0755, "$dist/cgi-bin/ghtml.cgi") || &'error("cannot chmod unzip script."); } # # (2) make help file # print STDERR "[", &'date, "] ", "(2) making help.html ...\n" if ($'vflag); &makehelp("$dist/help.html"); # # (3) make function entries ($DEFS/* and $REFS/*) # MAKING TAG CACHE # print STDERR "[", &'date, "] ", "(3) making duplicate entries ...\n" if ($'vflag); sub suddenly { &'clean(); exit 1} $SIG{'INT'} = 'suddenly'; $SIG{'QUIT'} = 'suddenly'; $SIG{'TERM'} = 'suddenly'; &cache'open(100000); $func_total = &makedupindex($dist); print STDERR "Total $func_total functions.\n" if ($'vflag); # # (4) make function index (funcs.html and funcs/*) # PRODUCE @funcs # print STDERR "[", &'date, "] ", "(4) making function index ...\n" if ($'vflag); $func_total = &makefuncindex($dist, "$dist/funcs.html", $func_total); print STDERR "Total $func_total functions.\n" if ($'vflag); # # (5) make file index (files.html and files/*) # PRODUCE @files %includes # print STDERR "[", &'date, "] ", "(5) making file index ...\n" if ($'vflag); $file_total = &makefileindex($dist, "$dist/files.html", "$dist/$INCS"); print STDERR "Total $file_total files.\n" if ($'vflag); # # [#] make a common part for mains.html and index.html # USING @funcs @files # print STDERR "[", &'date, "] ", "(#) making a common part ...\n" if ($'vflag); $index = &makecommonpart($title); # # (6)make index file (index.html) # print STDERR "[", &'date, "] ", "(6) making index file ...\n" if ($'vflag); &makeindex("$dist/index.html", $title, $index); # # (7) make main index (mains.html) # print STDERR "[", &'date, "] ", "(7) making main index ...\n" if ($'vflag); &makemainindex("$dist/mains.html", $index); &makenullhtml("$dist/null.html") if ($'hflag); # # (#) make anchor database # print STDERR "[", &'date, "] ", "(#) making temporary database ...\n" if ($'vflag); &anchor'create(); # # (8) make HTML files ($SRCS/*) # USING TAG CACHE, %includes and anchor database. # print STDERR "[", &'date, "] ", "(8) making hypertext from source code ...\n" if ($'vflag); &makehtml($dist, $file_total); &'clean(); print STDERR "[", &'date, "] ", "Done.\n" if ($'vflag); if ($'cflag && $'vflag) { print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR "[Information]\n"; print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR " You need to setup http server so that '*.ghtml' are treated\n"; print STDERR " as gzipped files. Please see 'HTML/.htaccess.skel'.\n"; print STDERR " Good luck!\n"; print STDERR "\n"; } exit 0; #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SUBROUTINES #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # makeprogram: make CGI program # sub makeprogram { local($file) = @_; open(PROGRAM, ">$file") || &'error("cannot make CGI program."); $program = <<'END_OF_SCRIPT'; #!/usr/bin/perl #------------------------------------------------------------------ # SORRY TO HAVE SURPRISED YOU! # IF YOU SEE THIS UNREASONABLE FILE WHILE BROUSING, FORGET PLEASE. # IF YOU ARE A ADMINISTRATOR OF THIS SITE, PLEASE SETUP HTTP SERVER # SO THAT THIS SCRIPT CAN BE EXECUTED AS A CGI COMMAND. THANK YOU. #------------------------------------------------------------------ $SRCS = 'S'; $HTML = '@HTML@'; $SEP = ' '; # source file path must not include $SEP charactor $ESCSEP = &escape($SEP); sub escape { local($c) = @_; '%' . sprintf("%x", ord($c)); } print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "\n"; @pairs = split (/&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}); foreach $p (@pairs) { ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $p); $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([\dA-Fa-f][\dA-Fa-f])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $form{$name} = $value; } if ($form{'pattern'} eq '') { print "

Pattern not specified. [return]

\n"; print "\n"; exit 0; } $pattern = $form{'pattern'}; $flag = ($form{'type'} eq 'definition') ? '' : 'r'; $words = ($form{'type'} eq 'definition') ? 'definitions' : 'referencies'; print "


\n"; print "Following $words are matched to above pattern.
\n"; $pattern =~ s/'//g; # to shut security hole unless (open(PIPE, "/usr/bin/global -x$flag '$pattern' |")) { print "

Cannot execute global. [return]

\n"; print "\n"; exit 0; } $cnt = 0; print "
while () {
	local($tag, $lno, $filename) = split;
	$filename =~ s/^\.\///;
	$filename =~ s/\//$ESCSEP/g;
print "
\n"; if ($cnt == 0) { print "

Pattern not found. [return]

\n"; } print "\n"; exit 0; #------------------------------------------------------------------ # SORRY TO HAVE SURPRISED YOU! # IF YOU SEE THIS UNREASONABLE FILE WHILE BROUSING, FORGET PLEASE. # IF YOU ARE A ADMINISTRATOR OF THIS SITE, PLEASE SETUP HTTP SERVER # SO THAT THIS SCRIPT CAN BE EXECUTED AS A CGI COMMAND. THANK YOU. #------------------------------------------------------------------ END_OF_SCRIPT $program =~ s/\@HTML\@/$'HTML/g; print PROGRAM $program; close(PROGRAM); } # # makeghtml: make unzip script # sub makeghtml { local($file) = @_; open(PROGRAM, ">$file") || &'error("cannot make unzip script."); $program = <<'END_OF_SCRIPT'; #!/bin/sh echo "content-type: text/html" echo gzip -S @HTML@ -d -c "$PATH_TRANSLATED" END_OF_SCRIPT $program =~ s/\@HTML\@/$'HTML/g; print PROGRAM $program; close(PROGRAM); } # # makehtaccess: make .htaccess skelton file. # sub makehtaccess { local($file) = @_; open(SKELTON, ">$file") || &'error("cannot make .htaccess skelton file."); $skelton = <<'END_OF_SCRIPT'; # # Skelton file for .htaccess -- This file was generated by htags(1). # # Htags have made gzipped hypertext because you specified -c option. # You need to setup http server so that these hypertext can be treated # as gzipped files. # There are many way to do it, but one of the method is to put .htaccess # file in 'HTML' directory. # # Please rewrite XXX to the true value in your web site and rename this # file to '.htaccess' and http server read this. # AddHandler htags-gzipped-html ghtml Action htags-gzipped-html /XXX/cgi-bin/ghtml.cgi END_OF_SCRIPT print SKELTON $skelton; close(SKELTON); } # # makehelp: make help file # sub makehelp { local($file) = @_; open(HELP, ">$file") || &'error("cannot make help file."); print HELP $'begin_html; print HELP &'set_header(0, 'HELP'); print HELP $'begin_body; print HELP "

Usage of Links

\n"; print HELP "
/* [<][>][^][v] [top][bottom][index][help] */
\n"; print HELP "
\n"; print HELP "
Previous function.\n"; print HELP "
Next function.\n"; print HELP "
First function in this file.\n"; print HELP "
Last function in this file.\n"; print HELP "
Top of this file.\n"; print HELP "
Bottom of this file.\n"; print HELP "
Return to index page (mains.html).\n"; print HELP "
You are seeing now.\n"; print HELP "
\n"; print HELP $'end_body; print HELP $'end_html; close(HELP); } # # makedupindex: make duplicate entries index ($DEFS/* and $REFS/*) # # go) tag cache # r) $count # sub makeline { $_[0] =~ s/\.\///; $_[0] =~ s/&/&/g; $_[0] =~ s//>/g; local($tag, $lno, $filename) = split(/[ \t\n]+/, $_[0]);; $filename = &'path2url($filename); $_[0] =~ s/^$tag/$tag<\/A>/; } sub makedupindex { local($dist) = @_; local($count) = 0; foreach $db ('GRTAGS', 'GTAGS') { local($kind) = $db eq 'GTAGS' ? "definitions" : "references"; local($option) = $db eq 'GTAGS' ? '' : 'r'; local($prev) = ''; local($first_line); local($writing) = 0; $count = 0; local($command) = "global -nx$option '.*' | sort +0 -1 +2 -3 +1n -2"; open(LIST, "$command |") || &'error("cannot fork."); while () { chop; local($tag, $lno, $filename) = split; if ($prev ne $tag) { $count++; print STDERR " [$count] adding $tag $kind.\n" if ($'vflag); if ($writing) { print FILE "\n"; print FILE $'end_body; print FILE $'end_html; close(FILE); $writing = 0; } # single entry if ($first_line) { &cache'put($db, $prev, $first_line); } $first_line = $_; $prev = $tag; } else { # duplicate entry if ($first_line) { &cache'put($db, $tag, ''); local($type) = ($db eq 'GTAGS') ? $'DEFS : $'REFS; if ($'cflag) { open(FILE, "| gzip -c >$dist/$type/$tag.$'HTML") || &'error("cannot make file '$dist/$type/$tag.$'HTML'."); } else { open(FILE, ">$dist/$type/$tag.$'HTML") || &'error("cannot make file '$dist/$type/$tag.$'HTML'."); } $writing = 1; print FILE $'begin_html; print FILE &'set_header(0, $tag); print FILE $'begin_body; print FILE "
					print FILE $first_line, "\n";
					$first_line = '';
				print FILE $_, "\n";
		if ($?) { &'error("'$command' failed."); }
		if ($writing) {
			print FILE "
\n"; print FILE $'end_body; print FILE $'end_html; close(FILE); } if ($first_line) { &cache'put($db, $prev, $first_line); } } $count; } # # makefuncindex: make function index (including alphabetic index) # # i) dist distribution directory # i) file function index file # i) total functions total # gi) tag cache # go) @funcs # sub makefuncindex { local($dist, $file, $total) = @_; local($count) = 0; local($indexlink) = "../mains.$'HTML"; open(FUNCTIONS, ">$file") || &'error("cannot make function index '$file'."); print FUNCTIONS $'begin_html; print FUNCTIONS &'set_header(0, 'FUNCTION INDEX', $'default_view); print FUNCTIONS $'begin_body; print FUNCTIONS "


\n"; print FUNCTIONS "
    \n" if (!$'aflag); local($old) = select(FUNCTIONS); local($command) = "global -c"; open(TAGS, "$command |") || &'error("cannot fork."); local($alpha, $alpha_f); @funcs = (); # [A][B][C]... while () { $count++; chop; local($tag) = $_; print STDERR " [$count/$total] adding $tag\n" if ($'vflag); if ($'aflag && ($alpha eq '' || $tag !~ /^$alpha/)) { if ($alpha) { print ALPHA "
\n"; print ALPHA "
[index]\n"; print ALPHA "$'begin_script$'rewrite_href_funcs$'end_script"; print ALPHA $'end_body; print ALPHA $'end_html; close(ALPHA); } # for multi-byte code local($c0, $c1); $c0 = substr($tag, 0, 1); if (ord($c0) > 127) { $c1 = substr($tag, 1, 1); $alpha = $c0 . $c1; $alpha_f = "" . ord($c0) . ord($c1); } else { $alpha = $alpha_f = $c0; } push(@funcs, "[$alpha]\n"); if ($'cflag) { open(ALPHA, "| gzip -c >$dist/funcs/$alpha_f.$'HTML") || &'error("cannot make alphabetical function index."); } else { open(ALPHA, ">$dist/funcs/$alpha_f.$'HTML") || &'error("cannot make alphabetical function index."); } print ALPHA $'begin_html; print ALPHA &'set_header(0, $alpha, $'default_view); print ALPHA $'begin_body; print ALPHA "


\n"; print ALPHA "[index]\n"; print ALPHA "
    \n"; select(ALPHA); } local($line) = &cache'get('GTAGS', $tag); if (!$line) { print "
  1. $tag\n"; } else { local($tag, $lno, $filename) = split(/[ \t]+/, $line); $filename = &'path2url($filename); print "
  2. $tag\n"; } } close(TAGS); if ($?) { &'error("'$command' failed."); } select($old); if ($'aflag) { print ALPHA "
\n"; print ALPHA "[index]\n"; print ALPHA "$'begin_script$'rewrite_href_funcs$'end_script"; print ALPHA $'end_body; print ALPHA $'end_html; close(ALPHA); print FUNCTIONS @funcs; } print FUNCTIONS "\n" if (!$'aflag); print FUNCTIONS $'end_body; print FUNCTIONS $'end_html; close(FUNCTIONS); $count; } # # makefileindex: make file index # # i) dist distribution directory # i) file file name # i) $incdir $INC directory # go) @files # go) %includes # sub makefileindex { local($dist, $file, $incdir) = @_; local($count) = 0; local($indexlink) = "../mains.$'HTML"; local(@dirstack, @fdstack); local($command) = "gtags --find | sort"; open(FIND, "$command |") || &'error("cannot fork."); open(FILES, ">$file") || &'error("cannot make file '$file'."); print FILES $'begin_html; print FILES &'set_header(0, 'FILE INDEX', $'default_view); print FILES $'begin_body; print FILES "


\n"; print FILES "
    \n"; local($org) = select(FILES); local(@push, @pop, $file); while () { $count++; chop; s/^\.\///; print STDERR " [$count] adding $_\n" if ($'vflag); @push = split('/'); $file = pop(@push); @pop = @dirstack; while ($push[0] && $pop[0] && $push[0] eq $pop[0]) { shift @push; shift @pop; } if (@push || @pop) { while (@pop) { pop(@dirstack); local($parent) = (@dirstack) ? &path2url(join('/', @dirstack)) : $indexlink; print "
\n"; print "[..]\n"; print "$'begin_script$'rewrite_href_files$'end_script" if (@dirstack == 0); print $'end_body; print $'end_html; $path = pop(@fdstack); close($path); select($fdstack[$#fdstack]) if (@fdstack); pop(@pop); } while (@push) { local($parent) = (@dirstack) ? &path2url(join('/', @dirstack)) : $indexlink; push(@dirstack, shift @push); $path = join('/', @dirstack); $cur = "$dist/files/" . &path2file($path); local($li) = "
  • $path/\n"; if (@dirstack == 1) { push(@files, $li); } else { print $li; } if ($'cflag) { open($cur, "| gzip -c >'$cur'") || &'error("cannot make directory index."); } else { open($cur, ">$cur") || &'error("cannot make directory index."); } select($cur); push(@fdstack, $cur); print $'begin_html; print &'set_header(0, "$path", $'default_view); print $'begin_body; print "


    \n"; print "[..]\n"; print "
      \n"; } } # collect include files. if (/.*\.h$/) { if (! defined $includes{$file}) { $includes{$file} = $_; } else { # duplicate entries $includes{$file} = "$includes{$file}\n$_"; } } local($url) = &path2url($_); local($li) = "
    1. $_\n"; if (@dirstack == 0) { push(@files, $li); } else { print $li; } } close(FIND); while (@dirstack) { pop(@dirstack); local($parent) = (@dirstack) ? &path2url(join('/', @dirstack)) : $indexlink; print "
    \n"; print "[..]\n"; print "$'begin_script$'rewrite_href_files$'end_script" if (@dirstack == 0); print $'end_body; print $'end_html; $path = pop(@fdstack); close($path); select($fdstack[$#fdstack]) if (@fdstack); } print FILES @files; print FILES "\n"; print FILES $'end_body; print FILES $'end_html; close(FILES); select($org); foreach $last (keys %includes) { local(@incs) = split(/\n/, $includes{$last}); if (@incs > 1) { if ($'cflag) { open(INCLUDE, "| gzip -c >$incdir/$last.$'HTML") || &'error("cannot open file '$incdir/$last.$'HTML'."); } else { open(INCLUDE, ">$incdir/$last.$'HTML") || &'error("cannot open file '$incdir/$last.$'HTML'."); } print INCLUDE $'begin_html; print INCLUDE &'set_header(0, $last); print INCLUDE $'begin_body; print INCLUDE "
    			foreach $filename (@incs) {
    				local($path) = &'path2url($filename);
    				print INCLUDE "$filename\n";
    			print INCLUDE "
    \n"; print INCLUDE $'end_body; print INCLUDE $'end_html; close(INCLUDE); # '' means that information already written to file. $includes{$last} = ''; } } $count; } # # makecommonpart: make a common part for mains.html and index.html # # gi) @files # gi) @funcs # sub makecommonpart { local($title) = @_; local($index) = ''; $index .= "


    \n"; $index .= "

    "; $index .= "Last updated " . &'date . "
    \n"; $index .= "This hypertext was generated by GLOBAL.
    \n"; $index .= $'begin_script; $index .= "if (parent.frames.length && parent.mains == self)\n"; $index .= " document.write($'langle+'A HREF=mains.html TARGET=_top'+$'rangle+'[No frame version is here.]'+$'langle+'/A'+$'rangle)\n"; $index .= $'end_script; $index .= "

    \n"; if ($'fflag) { $index .= "


    \n"; $index .= "Please input function name and select [Search]. POSIX's regular expression is allowed.

    \n"; $index .= "

    \n"; $index .= "\n"; $index .= "\n"; $index .= "
    \n"; $index .= "Definition\n"; $index .= "Reference\n"; $index .= "
    \n"; } $index .= "


    \n"; $index .= "
    	local($command) = "global -nx main | sort +0 -1 +2 -3 +1n -2";
    	open(PIPE, "$command |") || &'error("cannot fork.");
    	while () {
    		local($nouse, $lno, $filename) = split;
    		$nouse = '';	# to make perl quiet
    		$filename = &'path2url($filename);
    		$index .= $_;
    	if ($?) { &'error("'$command' failed."); }
    	$index .= "


    \n"; if ($'aflag) { foreach $f (@funcs) { $index .= $f; } } else { $index .= "
    function index
    \n"; } $index .= "


    \n"; $index .= "
      \n"; foreach $f (@files) { $index .= $f; } $index .= "
    \n"; $index; } # # makeindex: make index file # # i) $file file name # i) $title title of index file # i) $index common part # sub makeindex { local($file, $title, $index) = @_; open(FRAME, ">$file") || &'error("cannot open file '$file'."); print FRAME $'begin_html; print FRAME "$title\n"; print FRAME "\n"; print FRAME "\n"; print FRAME "\n"; print FRAME "\n"; print FRAME "\n"; if ($'hflag) { print FRAME "\n"; print FRAME "\n"; print FRAME "\n"; print FRAME "\n"; } else { print FRAME "\n"; } print FRAME "\n$index\n"; print FRAME "\n"; print FRAME $'end_html; close(FRAME); } # # makemainindex: make main index # # i) $file file name # i) $index common part # sub makemainindex { local($file, $index) = @_; open(INDEX, ">$file") || &'error("cannot create file '$file'."); print INDEX $'begin_html; print INDEX &'set_header(1, $title); print INDEX $'begin_body; print INDEX $index; print INDEX $'end_body; print INDEX $'end_html; close(INDEX); } # # makenullhtml: make null html # # i) $file file name # sub makenullhtml { local($file) = @_; open(NULL, ">$file") || &'error("cannot create file '$file'."); print NULL "\n"; close(NULL); } # # makehtml: make html files # # i) total number of files. # sub makehtml { local($dist, $total) = @_; local($count) = 0; open(FIND, "$'findcom |") || &'error("cannot fork."); while () { chop; $count++; local($path) = $_; $path =~ s/^\.\///; print STDERR " [$count/$total] converting $_\n" if ($'vflag); $path = &'path2file($path); &convert'src2html($_, "$dist/$'SRCS/$path"); } close(FIND); if ($?) { &'error("cannot traverse directory."); } } #========================================================================= # CONVERT PACKAGE #========================================================================= package convert; # # src2html: convert source code into HTML # # i) $file source file - Read from # i) $hfile HTML file - Write to # gi) %includes # pairs of include file and the path # sub src2html { local($file, $hfile) = @_; local($ncol) = $'ncol; local($tabs) = $'tabs; local(%ctab) = ('&', '&', '<', '<', '>', '>'); local($expand) = &'usable('expand') ? 'expand' : 'gtags --expand'; local($isjava) = ($file =~ /\.java$/) ? 1 : 0; local($reserved_words) = ($isjava) ? $'java_reserved_words : $'c_reserved_words; if ($'cflag) { open(HTML, "| gzip -c >'$hfile'") || &'error("cannot create file '$hfile'."); } else { open(HTML, ">$hfile") || &'error("cannot create file '$hfile'."); } local($old) = select(HTML); # # load tags belonging to this file. # &anchor'load($file); open(SRC, "$expand -$tabs '$file' |") || &'error("cannot fork."); # # print the header # $file =~ s/^\.\///; print $'begin_html; print &'set_header(1, $file); print $'begin_body; print "


    \n"; print &link_format(&anchor'getlinks(0)); print "\n
    \n"; print "


    \n"; print "This source file includes following functions.\n"; print "
      \n"; local($lno, $tag, $type); for (($lno, $tag, $type) = &anchor'first(); $lno; ($lno, $tag, $type) = &anchor'next()) { print "
    1. $tag\n" if ($type eq 'D'); } print "
    \n"; print "
    \n"; # # print source code # print "
    	$INCOMMENT = 0;			# initial status is out of comment
    	local($LNO, $TAG, $TYPE) = &anchor'first();
    	while () {
    		# make link for include file
    		if (!$INCOMMENT && /^#include/) {
    			local($last, $sep) = m![])!;
    			if (defined $'includes{$last}) {
    				local($link, $suffix);
    				if ($'includes{$last}) {
    					$link = &'path2url($'includes{$last});
    				} else {
    					$link = "../$'INCS/$last.$'HTML";
    				if ($sep eq '"') {
    				} else {
    				$converted = 1;
    		# translate '<', '>' and '&' into entity name
    		if (!$converted) { s/([&<>])/$ctab{$1}/ge; }
    		&protect_line();	# protect quoted char, strings and comments
    		# painting source code
    		local($sharp) = s/^(#\w+)// ? $1 : '';
    		s/\b($reserved_words)\b/$'reserved_begin$1$'reserved_end/go if ($sharp ne '#include');
    		s/^/$'sharp_begin$sharp$'sharp_end/ if ($sharp);	# recover macro
    		local($define_line) = 0;
    		local(@links) = ();
    		local($count) = 0;
    		local($lno_printed) = 0;
    		if ($'lflag) {
    			print "";
    			$lno_printed = 1;
    		for (; int($LNO) == $.; ($LNO, $TAG, $TYPE) = &anchor'next()) {
    			if (!$lno_printed) {
    				print "";
    				$lno_printed = 1;
    			$define_line = $LNO if ($TYPE eq 'D');
    			$db = ($TYPE eq 'D') ? 'GRTAGS' : 'GTAGS';
    			local($line) = &cache'get($db, $TAG);
    			if (defined($line)) {
    				if ($line) {
    					local($nouse, $lno, $filename) = split(/[ \t]+/, $line);
    					$nouse = '';	# to make perl quiet
    					$filename = &'path2url($filename);
    					$href = "$TAG";
    				} else {
    					local($dir) = ($TYPE eq 'D') ? $'REFS : $'DEFS;
    					$href = "$TAG";
    				# set tag marks and save hyperlink into @links
    				if (ord($TAG) > 127) {	# for multi-byte code
    					if (s/([\x00-\x7f])$TAG([ \t]*\()/$1\005$count\005$2/ || s/([\x00-\x7f])$TAG([\x00-\x7f])/$1\005$count\005$2/) {
    						push(@links, $href);
    					} else {
    						print STDERR "Error: $file $LNO $TAG($TYPE) tag must exist.\n" if ($'wflag);
    				} else {
    					if (s/\b$TAG([ \t]*\()/\005$count\005$1/ || s/\b$TAG\b/\005$count\005/ || s/\b_$TAG\b/_\005$count\005/)
    						push(@links, $href);
    					} else {
    						print STDERR "Error: $file $LNO $TAG($TYPE) tag must exist.\n" if ($'wflag);
    			} else {
    				print STDERR "Warning: $file $LNO $TAG($TYPE) found but not referred.\n" if ($'wflag);
    		# implant links
    		for ($count = 0; @links; $count++) {
    			$s = shift @links;
    			unless (s/\005$count\005/$s/) {
    				print STDERR "Error: $file $LNO $TAG($TYPE) tag must exist.\n" if ($'wflag);
    		# print a line
    		printf "%${ncol}d ", $. if ($'nflag);
    		# print hyperlinks
    		if ($define_line) {
    			print ' ' x ($ncol + 1) if ($'nflag);
    			print &link_format(&anchor'getlinks($define_line));
    			print "\n";
    	print "
    \n"; print "
    \n"; print "\n"; print &link_format(&anchor'getlinks(-1)); print "\n"; print $'end_body; print $'end_html; close(SRC); if ($?) { &'error("cannot open file '$file'."); } close(HTML); select($old); } # # protect_line: protect quoted strings # # io) $_ source line # # \001 quoted(\) char # \002 quoted('') char # \003 quoted string # \004 comment # \005 line comment # \032 temporary mark # sub protect_line { @quoted_char1 = (); while (s/(\\.)/\001/) { push(@quoted_char1, $1); } @quoted_char2 = (); while (s/('[^']')/\002/) { push(@quoted_char2, $1); } @quoted_strings = (); while (s/("[^"]*")/\003/) { push(@quoted_strings, $1); } @comments = (); s/^/\032/ if ($INCOMMENT); while (1) { if ($INCOMMENT == 0) { if (s/\/\*/\032\/\*/) { # start comment $INCOMMENT = 1; } else { last; } } else { # Thanks to Jeffrey Friedl for his code. if (s!\032((/\*)?[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*/)!\004!) { push(@comments, $1); $INCOMMENT = 0; } else { s/\032(.*)$/\004/; # mark comment push(@comments, $1); } last if ($INCOMMENT); } } $line_comment = ''; if (s!(//.*)$!\005!) { $line_comment = $1; # ^ // /* $ # (1) (2) ... (1) invalidate (2). $INCOMMENT = 0; } } # # unprotect_line: recover quoted strings # # i) $_ source line # sub unprotect_line { local($s); if ($line_comment) { s/\005/$'comment_begin$line_comment$'comment_end/; } while (@comments) { $s = shift @comments; # nested tag can be occured but no problem. s/\004/$'comment_begin$s$'comment_end/; } while (@quoted_strings) { $s = shift @quoted_strings; s/\003/$s/; } while (@quoted_char2) { $s = shift @quoted_char2; s/\002/$s/; } while (@quoted_char1) { $s = shift @quoted_char1; s/\001/$s/; } } # # link_format: format hyperlinks. # # i) (previous, next, first, last, top, bottom) # sub link_format { local(@tag) = @_; local(@label) = ('<', '>', '^', 'v', 'top', 'bottom'); local($line) = "$'comment_begin/* "; while ($label = shift @label) { local($tag) = shift @tag; $line .= "" if ($tag); $line .= "[$label]"; $line .= "" if ($tag); } $line .= "[index]"; $line .= "[help]"; $line .= " */$'comment_end"; $line; } #========================================================================= # ANCHOR PACKAGE #========================================================================= package anchor; # # create: create anchors temporary database # # go) %PATHLIST # sub create { $ANCH = "$'tmp/ANCH$$"; open(ANCH, ">$ANCH") || &'error("cannot create file '$ANCH'."); close(ANCH); chmod ($ANCH, 0600); local($command) = "btreeop -C $ANCH"; open(ANCH, "| $command") || &'error("cannot fork."); local($fcount) = 1; local($fnumber); foreach $db ('GTAGS', 'GRTAGS') { local($type) = ($db eq 'GTAGS') ? 'D' : 'R'; local($option) = ($db eq 'GTAGS') ? '' : 'r'; local($command) = "global -nx$option '.*'"; open(PIPE, "$command |") || &'error("cannot fork."); while () { local($tag, $lno, $filename) = split; $fnumber = $PATHLIST{$filename}; if (!$fnumber) { $PATHLIST{$filename} = $fnumber = $fcount++; } print ANCH "$fnumber $lno $tag $type\n"; } close(PIPE); if ($?) { &'error("'$command' failed."); } } close(ANCH); if ($?) { &'error("'$command' failed."); } } # # finish: remove anchors database # sub finish { unlink("$ANCH") if (defined($ANCH)); } # # load: load anchors belonging to specified file. # # i) $file source file # gi) %PATHLIST # go) FIRST first definition # go) LAST last definition # sub load { local($file) = @_; local($fnumber); @ANCHORS = (); $FIRST = $LAST = 0; $file = './' . $file if ($file !~ /^\.\//); if (!($fnumber = $PATHLIST{$file})) { return; } local($command) = "btreeop -K $fnumber $ANCH"; open(ANCH, "$command |") || &'error("cannot fork."); while () { local($fnumber, $lno, $tag, $type) = split; local($line); # don't refer to macros which is defined in other C source. if ($type eq 'R' && ($line = &cache'get('GTAGS', $tag))) { local($nouse1, $nouse2, $f, $def) = split(/[ \t]+/, $line); if ($f !~ /\.h$/ && $f ne $file && $def =~ /^#/) { print STDERR "Information: $file $lno $tag($type) skipped, because this is a macro which is defined in other C source.\n" if ($'wflag); next; } } push(@ANCHORS, "$lno,$tag,$type"); } close(ANCH); if ($?) {&'error("'$command' failed."); } local(@keys); foreach (@ANCHORS) { push(@keys, (split(/,/))[0]); } sub compare { $keys[$a] <=> $keys[$b]; } @ANCHORS = @ANCHORS[sort compare 0 .. $#keys]; local($c); for ($c = 0; $c < @ANCHORS; $c++) { local($lno, $tag, $type) = split(/,/, $ANCHORS[$c]); if ($type eq 'D') { $FIRST = $lno; last; } } for ($c = $#ANCHORS; $c >= 0; $c--) { local($lno, $tag, $type) = split(/,/, $ANCHORS[$c]); if ($type eq 'D') { $LAST = $lno; last; } } } # # first: get first anchor # sub first { $CURRENT = 0; local($lno, $tag, $type) = split(/,/, $ANCHORS[$CURRENT]); $CURRENTDEF = $CURRENT if ($type eq 'D'); ($lno, $tag, $type); } # # next: get next anchor # sub next { if (++$CURRENT > $#ANCHORS) { return ('', '', ''); } local($lno, $tag, $type) = split(/,/, $ANCHORS[$CURRENT]); $CURRENTDEF = $CURRENT if ($type eq 'D'); ($lno, $tag, $type); } # # getlinks: get links # # i) linenumber >= 1: line number # 0: header, -1: tailer # gi) @ANCHORS tag table in current file # r) (previous, next, first, last, top, bottom) # sub getlinks { local($linenumber) = @_; local($prev, $next, $first, $last, $top, $bottom); $prev = $next = $first = $last = $top = $bottom = 0; if ($linenumber >= 1) { local($c, $p, $n); if ($CURRENTDEF == 0) { for ($c = 0; $c <= $#ANCHORS; $c++) { local($lno, $tag, $type) = split(/,/, $ANCHORS[$c]); if ($lno == $linenumber && $type eq 'D') { last; } } $CURRENTDEF = $c; } else { for ($c = $CURRENTDEF; $c >= 0; $c--) { local($lno, $tag, $type) = split(/,/, $ANCHORS[$c]); if ($lno == $linenumber && $type eq 'D') { last; } } } $p = $n = $c; while (--$p >= 0) { local($lno, $tag, $type) = split(/,/, $ANCHORS[$p]); if ($type eq 'D') { $prev = $lno; last; } } while (++$n <= $#ANCHORS) { local($lno, $tag, $type) = split(/,/, $ANCHORS[$n]); if ($type eq 'D') { $next = $lno; last; } } } $first = $FIRST if ($FIRST > 0 && $linenumber != $FIRST); $last = $LAST if ($LAST > 0 && $linenumber != $LAST); $top = 'TOP' if ($linenumber != 0); $bottom = 'BOTTOM' if ($linenumber != -1); if ($FIRST > 0 && $FIRST == $LAST) { $last = '' if ($linenumber == 0); $first = '' if ($linenumber == -1); } ($prev, $next, $first, $last, $top, $bottom); } #========================================================================= # CACHE PACKAGE #========================================================================= package cache; # # open: open tag cache # # i) size cache size # -1: all cache # 0: no cache # other: sized cache # sub open { ($cachesize) = @_; if ($cachesize == -1) { return; } undef %CACH if defined(%CACH); $cachecount = 0; } # # put: put tag into cache # # i) $db database name # i) $tag tag name # i) $line tag line # sub put { local($db, $tag, $line) = @_; local($label) = ($db eq 'GTAGS') ? 'D' : 'R'; $cachecount++; if ($cachesize >= 0 && $cachecount > $cachesize) { $CACH = "$'tmp/CACH$$"; dbmopen(%CACH, $CACH, 0600) || &'error("make cache database."); $cachesize = -1; } $CACH{$label.$tag} = $line; } # # get: get tag from cache # # i) $db database name # i) $tag tag name # r) tag line # sub get { local($db, $tag) = @_; local($label) = ($db eq 'GTAGS') ? 'D' : 'R'; defined($CACH{$label.$tag}) ? $CACH{$label.$tag} : undef; } # # close: close cache # sub close { #dbmclose(%CACH); unlink("$CACH.db") if (defined($CACH)); }