PUSHDIVERT(-1) # # Copyright (c) 1998 Sendmail, Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 1983 Eric P. Allman. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 1988, 1993 # The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. # # By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set # forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of # the sendmail distribution. # # ifdef(`LOCAL_MAILER_FLAGS',, `define(`LOCAL_MAILER_FLAGS', `rmn9')') ifdef(`LOCAL_MAILER_PATH',, `define(`LOCAL_MAILER_PATH', /bin/mail)') ifdef(`LOCAL_MAILER_ARGS',, `define(`LOCAL_MAILER_ARGS', `mail -d $u')') ifdef(`LOCAL_SHELL_FLAGS',, `define(`LOCAL_SHELL_FLAGS', `eu9')') ifdef(`LOCAL_SHELL_PATH',, `define(`LOCAL_SHELL_PATH', /bin/sh)') ifdef(`LOCAL_SHELL_ARGS',, `define(`LOCAL_SHELL_ARGS', `sh -c $u')') ifdef(`LOCAL_SHELL_DIR',, `define(`LOCAL_SHELL_DIR', `$z:/')') POPDIVERT ################################################## ### Local and Program Mailer specification ### ################################################## VERSIONID(`@(#)local.m4 8.30 (Berkeley) 6/30/1998') Mlocal, P=LOCAL_MAILER_PATH, F=CONCAT(`lsDFMAw5:/|@q', LOCAL_MAILER_FLAGS), S=10/30, R=20/40, _OPTINS(`LOCAL_MAILER_MAX', `M=', `, ')_OPTINS(`LOCAL_MAILER_CHARSET', `C=', `, ')T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix, A=LOCAL_MAILER_ARGS Mprog, P=LOCAL_SHELL_PATH, F=CONCAT(`lsDFMoq', LOCAL_SHELL_FLAGS), S=10/30, R=20/40, D=LOCAL_SHELL_DIR, _OPTINS(`LOCAL_MAILER_MAX', `M=', `, ')T=X-Unix, A=LOCAL_SHELL_ARGS # # Envelope sender rewriting # S10 R<@> $n errors to mailer-daemon R@ <@ $*> $n temporarily bypass Sun bogosity R$+ $: $>50 $1 add local domain if needed R$* $: $>94 $1 do masquerading # # Envelope recipient rewriting # S20 R$+ < @ $* > $: $1 strip host part # # Header sender rewriting # S30 R<@> $n errors to mailer-daemon R@ <@ $*> $n temporarily bypass Sun bogosity R$+ $: $>50 $1 add local domain if needed R$* $: $>93 $1 do masquerading # # Header recipient rewriting # S40 R$+ $: $>50 $1 add local domain if needed ifdef(`_ALL_MASQUERADE_', `dnl R$* $: $>93 $1 do all-masquerading', `dnl') # # Common code to add local domain name (only if always-add-domain) # S50 ifdef(`_ALWAYS_ADD_DOMAIN_', `dnl R$* < @ $* > $* $@ $1 < @ $2 > $3 already fully qualified R$+ $@ $1 < @ *LOCAL* > add local qualification', `dnl')