''' $FreeBSD$ .TH uulog 1 "Taylor UUCP 1.06" .SH NAME uulog \- display UUCP log entries .SH SYNOPSIS .B uulog [-#] [-n lines] [-sf system] [-u user] [-DSF] [--lines lines] [--system system] [--user user] [--debuglog] [--statslog] [--follow] [--follow=system] [standard UUCP options] .SH DESCRIPTION The .B uulog program can be used to display entries in the UUCP log file. It can select the entries for a particular system or a particular user. You can use it to see what has happened to your queued jobs in the past. .SH OPTIONS The following options may be given to .B uulog. .TP 5 .B \-#, \-n lines, \-\-lines lines Here `#' is a number; e.g., `-10'. The specified number of lines is displayed from the end of the log file. The default is to display the entire log file, unless the `-f', `-F', or `--follow' options are used, in which case the default is to display 10 lines. .TP 5 .B \-s system, \-\-system system Display only log entries pertaining to the specified system. .TP 5 .B \-u user, \-\-user user Display only log entries pertaining to the specified user. .TP 5 .B \-D, \-\-debuglog Display the debugging log file. .TP 5 .B \-S, \-\-statslog Display the statistics log file. .B \-F, \-\-follow Keep displaying the log file forever, printing new lines as they are appended to the log file. .TP 5 .B \-f system, \-\-follow=system Keep displaying the log file forever, displaying only log entries pertaining to the specified system. .TP 5 .B \-X type .TP 5 .B \-\-debug type .TP 5 .B \-I file .TP 5 .B \-\-config file .TP 5 .B \-v, \-\-version .TP 5 .B \-\-help Standard UUCP options. Note that .B uulog specifies the debugging type using `-X' rather than the usual `-x'. .PP The operation of .B uulog depends to some degree upon the type of log files generated by the UUCP programs. This is a compile time option. If the UUCP programs have been compiled to use HDB style log files, .B uulog changes in the following ways: .PP The new options `-x' and `--uuxqtlog' may be used to list the .B uuxqt log file. .PP It is no longer possible to omit all arguments: one of `-s', `--system', `-f', `--follow=system', `-D', `--debuglog', `-S', `--statslog', `-x', or `--uuxqtlog' must be used. .PP The option `--system ANY' may be used to list log file entries which do not pertain to any particular system. .SH SEE ALSO uucp(1) .SH AUTHOR Ian Lance Taylor (ian@airs.com). This Manpage based on the Taylor UUCP 1.06 Texinfo documentation.