.\" @(#)rtime.3n 2.1 88/08/08 4.0 RPCSRC; from 1.5 88/02/08 SMI .\" $FreeBSD$ .TH RTIME 3 "22 November 1987" .SH NAME rtime \- get remote time .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .B #include .B #include .B #include .LP .B int rtime(addrp, timep, timeout) .B struct sockaddr_in \(**addrp; .B struct timeval \(**timep; .B struct timeval \(**timeout; .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .B rtime(\|) consults the Internet Time Server at the address pointed to by .I addrp and returns the remote time in the .B timeval struct pointed to by .IR timep . Normally, the .SM UDP protocol is used when consulting the Time Server. The .I timeout parameter specifies how long the routine should wait before giving up when waiting for a reply. If .I timeout is specified as .SM NULL\s0, however, the routine will instead use .SM TCP and block until a reply is received from the time server. .LP The routine returns 0 if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns \-1 and .B errno is set to reflect the cause of the error. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR timed (8c)