
#include <libmilter/mfapi.h>
sfsistat (*xxfi_envfrom)(
	SMFICTX * ctx,
	char **	argv
Handle the envelope FROM command.
Called When xxfi_envfrom is called once at the beginning of each message, before xxfi_envrcpt.
Default Behavior Do nothing; return SMFIS_CONTINUE.
ctx Opaque context structure.
argv Null-terminated SMTP command arguments; argv[0] is guaranteed to be the sender address. Later arguments are the ESMTP arguments.
Return valueDescription
SMFIS_TEMPFAIL Reject this sender and message with a temporary error; a new sender (and hence a new message) may subsequently be specified. xxfi_abort is not called.
SMFIS_REJECT Reject this sender and message; a new sender/message may be specified. xxfi_abort is not called.
SMFIS_DISCARD Accept and silently discard this message. xxfi_abort is not called.
SMFIS_ACCEPT Accept this message. xxfi_abort is not called.
NOTES For more details on ESTMP responses, please see RFC 1869.

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