HPROPD(8) UNIX System Manager's Manual HPROPD(8) NNAAMMEE hhpprrooppdd - receive a propagated database SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS hhpprrooppdd [--dd _f_i_l_e | ----ddaattaabbaassee==_f_i_l_e] [--nn | ----ssttddiinn] [----pprriinntt] [--ii | ----nnoo--iinneettdd] [--kk _k_e_y_t_a_b | ----kkeeyyttaabb==_k_e_y_t_a_b] [--44 | ----vv44dduummpp] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN hhpprrooppdd receives databases sent by hhpprroopp. and writes it as a local database. By default, hhpprrooppdd expects to be started from iinneettdd if stdin is a socket and expects to receive the dumped database over stdin otherwise. If the database is sent over the network, it is authenticated and encrypted. Only connections from kadmin/hprop are accepted. Options supported: --dd _f_i_l_e, ----ddaattaabbaassee==_f_i_l_e database --nn, ----ssttddiinn read from stdin ----pprriinntt print dump to stdout --ii, ----nnoo--iinneettdd Not started from inetd --kk _k_e_y_t_a_b, ----kkeeyyttaabb==_k_e_y_t_a_b keytab to use for authentication --44, ----vv44dduummpp create v4 type DB SSEEEE AALLSSOO hprop(8) HEIMDAL August 27, 1997 1