KSTASH(8) UNIX System Manager's Manual KSTASH(8) NNAAMMEE kkssttaasshh - store the KDC master password in a file SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS kkssttaasshh [--ee _s_t_r_i_n_g | ----eennccttyyppee==_s_t_r_i_n_g] [--kk _f_i_l_e | ----kkeeyy--ffiillee==_f_i_l_e] [----ccoonnvveerrtt--ffiillee] [----mmaasstteerr--kkeeyy--ffdd==_f_d] [--hh | ----hheellpp] [----vveerrssiioonn] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN kkssttaasshh reads the Kerberos master key and stores it in a file that will be used by the KDC. Supported options: --ee _s_t_r_i_n_g, ----eennccttyyppee==_s_t_r_i_n_g the encryption type to use, defaults to DES3-CBC-SHA1 --kk _f_i_l_e, ----kkeeyy--ffiillee==_f_i_l_e the name of the master key file ----ccoonnvveerrtt--ffiillee don't ask for a new master key, just read an old master key file, and writes it back in the new keyfile format ----mmaasstteerr--kkeeyy--ffdd==_f_d filedescriptor to read passphrase from, if not specified the passphrase will be read from the terminal SSEEEE AALLSSOO kdc(8) HEIMDAL September 1, 2000 1