
#include <libmilter/mfapi.h>
sfsistat (*xxfi_connect)(
        SMFICTX    *ctx, 
        char       *hostname,
        _SOCK_ADDR *hostaddr);
Called When Once, at the start of each SMTP connection.
Default Behavior Do nothing; return SMFIS_CONTINUE.
ctx the opaque context structure.
hostname the host name of the message sender, as determined by a reverse lookup on the host address. If the reverse lookup fails, hostname will contain the message sender's IP address enclosed in square brackets (e.g. `[a.b.c.d]').
hostaddr the host address, as determined by a getpeername() call on the SMTP socket. NULL if the type is not supported in the current version or if the SMTP connection is made via stdin.
NOTES If an earlier filter rejects the connection in its xxfi_connect() routine, this filter's xxfi_connect() will not be called.

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