USAGE KAME Project $KAME: USAGE,v 1.33 2000/11/22 10:22:57 itojun Exp $ $FreeBSD$ This is a introduction of how to use the commands provided in the KAME kit. For more information, please refer to each man page. <<>> A link-local address is automatically assigned to each interface, when the interface becomes up for the first time. Even if you find an interface without a link-local address, do not panic. The link-local address will be assigned when it becomes up (with "ifconfig IF up"). If you do not see a link-local address assigned to an interface on "ifconfig up", the interface does not support IPv6 for some reasons - for example, if the interface does not support link-layer multicast (IFF_MULTICAST is not set), the interface cannot be used for IPv6. Some network drivers allow an interface to become up even without a hardware address (for example, PCMCIA network cards). In such cases, it is possible that an interface has no link-local address even if the interface is up. If you see such situation, please disable the interface once and then re-enable it (i.e. do `ifconfig IF down; ifconfig IF up'). Pseudo interfaces (like "gif" tunnel device) will borrow IPv6 interface identifier (lowermost 64bit of the address) from EUI64/IEEE802 sources, like ethernet cards. Pseudo interfaces will be able to get an IPv6 link-local address, if you have other "real" interface configured beforehand. If you have no EUI64/IEEE802 sources on the node, we have last-resort code in the kernel, which generates interface identifier from MD5(hostname). MD5(hostname) may not be suitable for your usage (for example, if you configure same hostname on both sides of gif tunnel, you will be doomed), and if so, you may need to configure link-local address manually. See RFC2472 for more discussion on how to generate an interface ID for pseudo interfaces. If you have a router announcing Router Advertisement, global addresses will be assigned automatically. So, neither "ifconfig" nor "prefix" is necessary for your *host* (non-router node). (Please refer to "sysctl" section for configuring a host to accept Router Advertisement.) If you want to set up a router, you need to assign global addresses for two or more interfaces by "ifconfig" or "prefix" (prefix command is described at next section). If you want to assign a global address by "ifconfig", don't forget to specify the "alias" argument to keep the link-local address. # ifconfig de0 inet6 3ffe:501:808:1:200:f8ff:fe01:6317 prefixlen 64 alias # ifconfig de0 de0: flags=8843 mtu 1500 inet6 fe80::200:f8ff:fe01:6317%de0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1 inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast inet6 3ffe:501:808:1:200:f8ff:fe01:6317 prefixlen 64 ether 00:00:f8:01:63:17 media: 100baseTX status: active See also "/etc/rc.network6" for actual examples. <> In the IPv6 architecture, an IPv6 address of an interface can be generated from a prefix assigned to the interface, and a link-dependent identifier for the interface. So assigning a full IPv6 address by ifconfig is not necessary anymore, because user can only take care of prefix, by letting system take care of interface identifier. The newly added "prefix" command enables user to just assign prefixes for interfaces, and let your system automatically generate IPv6 addresses. Prefixes added by the "prefix" command is maintained in the kernel consistently with prefixes assigned by Router Advertisement (in case of hosts) and with prefixes assigned by Router Renumbering (in case of routers). Manual assignment of prefixes or change of prefix properties take precedence over ones assigned by Router Advertisement or Router Renumbering. prefix command works only on routers. If you want to assign a prefix (and consequently address) manually, do as follows: # ifconfig de0 de0: flags=8843 mtu 1500 inet6 fe80::200:f8ff:fe01:6317%de0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1 inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast ether 00:00:f8:01:63:17 media: 100baseTX status: active # prefix de0 3ffe:501:808:1:: # ifconfig de0 de0: flags=8843 mtu 1500 inet6 fe80::200:f8ff:fe01:6317%de0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1 inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast inet6 3ffe:501:808:1:200:f8ff:fe01:6317 prefixlen 64 ether 00:00:f8:01:63:17 media: 100baseTX status: active To check assigned prefix, use the "ndp" command (See description of ndp command about its usage). # ndp -p 3ffe:501:808:1::/64 if=de0 flags=LA, vltime=2592000, pltime=604800, expire=Never, origin=RR No advertising router The "prefix" command also has node internal prefix renumbering ability. If you have multiple prefixes which have 3ffe:501:808:/48 at the top, and would like to renumber them to 3ffe:501:4819:/48, then use the "prefix" command with the "matchpr" argument and the "usepr" argument. Suppose that current state of before renumbering as follows: # ifconfig de0 de0: flags=8843 mtu 1500 inet6 fe80::200:f8ff:fe01:6317%de0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1 inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast inet6 3ffe:501:808:1:200:f8ff:fe01:6317 prefixlen 64 ether 00:00:f8:01:63:17 media: 100baseTX status: active # ifconfig de1 de1: flags=8843 mtu 1500 inet6 fe80::200:f8ff:fe55:7011%de1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2 inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast inet6 3ffe:501:808:2:200:f8ff:fe55:7011 prefixlen 64 ether 00:00:f8:55:70:11 media: 100baseTX status: active # ndp -p 3ffe:501:808:1::/64 if=de0 flags=LA, vltime=2592000, pltime=604800, expire=Never, origin=RR No advertising router 3ffe:501:808:2::/64 if=de1 flags=LA, vltime=2592000, pltime=604800, expire=Never, origin=RR No advertising router Then do as follows: # prefix -a matchpr 3ffe:501:808:: mp_len 48 usepr 3ffe:501:4819:: up_uselen 48 change If command is successful, prefixes and addresses will be renumbered as follows. # ifconfig de0 de0: flags=8843 mtu 1500 inet6 fe80::200:f8ff:fe01:6317%de0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1 inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast inet6 3ffe:501:4819:1:200:f8ff:fe01:6317 prefixlen 64 ether 00:00:f8:01:63:17 media: 100baseTX status: active # ifconfig de1 de1: flags=8843 mtu 1500 inet6 fe80::200:f8ff:fe55:7011%de0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2 inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast inet6 3ffe:501:4819:2:200:f8ff:fe55:7011 prefixlen 64 ether 00:00:f8:55:70:11 media: 100baseTX status: active # ndp -p 3ffe:501:4819:1::/64 if=de0 flags=LA, vltime=2592000, pltime=604800, expire=Never, origin=RR No advertising router 3ffe:501:4819:2::/64 if=de1 flags=LA, vltime=2592000, pltime=604800, expire=Never, origin=RR No advertising router See also "/etc/rc.network6" for actual examples. <<>> If there is a router announcing Router Advertisement on a subnet, you need not to add a default route for your host by hand (Please refer to "sysctl" section to accept Router Advertisement). If you want to add a default route manually, do like: # route add -inet6 default fe80::200:a2ff:fe0e:7543%ed0 "default" means ::/0. In other cases, if "prefixlen" is omitted, 64 is assumed for "prefixlen" to get along with the aggregatable address. Note that, in IPv6, a link-local address should be used as gateway ("fe80::200:a2ff:fe0e:7543%ed0" in the above). If you use global addresses, ICMPv6 redirect will not work properly. Also note that we use a special form of link-local address as gateway. See Section 1.3 of IMPLEMENTATION for more details. For ease of configuration we recommend you to avoid static routes and run a routing daemon (route6d for example) instead. <<>> Reachability can be checked by "ping6". This "ping6" allows multicast for its argument. % ping6 -n -I ed0 ff02::1 PING6(56=40+8+8 bytes) fe80::5254:ff:feda:cb7d --> ff02::1%ed0 56 bytes from fe80::5254:ff:feda:cb7d%lo0, icmp_seq=0 hlim=64 time=0.25 ms 56 bytes from fe80::2a0:c9ff:fe84:ed6c%ed0, icmp_seq=0 hlim=64 time=1.333 ms(DUP!) 56 bytes from fe80::5254:ff:feda:d161%ed0, icmp_seq=0 hlim=64 time=1.459 ms(DUP!) 56 bytes from fe80::260:97ff:fec2:80bf%ed0, icmp_seq=0 hlim=64 time=1.538 ms(DUP!) 56 bytes from 3ffe:501:4819:2000:5054:ff:fedb:aa46, icmp_seq=0 hlim=255 time=1.615 ms(DUP!) <<>> Name resolution is possible by ICMPv6 node information query message. This is very convenient for link-local addresses whose host name cannot be resolved by DNS. Specify the "-w" option to "ping6". % ping6 -n -I ed0 -w ff02::1 64 bytes from fe80::5254:ff:feda:cb7d%lo0: 67 bytes from fe80::5254:ff:feda:d161%ed0: 69 bytes from fe80::2a0:c9ff:fe84:ebd9%ed0: 66 bytes from fe80::260:8ff:fe8b:447f%ed0: 66 bytes from fe80::2a0:c9ff:fe84:ed6c%ed0: <<>> The route for a target host can be checked by "traceroute6". % traceroute6 traceroute to (3ffe:501:0:401:200:e8ff:fed5:8923), 30 hops max, 12 byte packets 1 1.239 ms 0.924 ms 0.908 ms 2 28.953 ms 31.451 ms 26.567 ms 3 26.549 ms 26.58 ms 26.186 ms If the -l option is specified, both address and name are shown in each line. % traceroute6 -l traceroute to (3ffe:501:0:401:200:e8ff:fed5:8923), 30 hops max, 12 byte packets 1 (3ffe:501:4819:2000:260:97ff:fec2:80bf) 1.23 ms 0.952 ms 0.92 ms 2 (3ffe:501:0:1802:260:97ff:feb6:7ff0) 27.345 ms 26.706 ms 26.563 ms 3 (3ffe:501:0:401:200:e8ff:fed5:8923) 26.329 ms 26.36 ms 28.63 ms <<>> To display the current Neighbor cache, use "ndp": % ndp -a Neighbor Linklayer Address Netif Expire St Flgs Prbs 0:60:97:c2:80:bf ed0 expired S R 3ffe:501:4819:2000:2c0:cff:fe 0:c0:c:10:3a:53 ed0 permanent R 52:54:0:dc:52:17 ed0 expired S R fe80::200:eff:fe49:f929%ed0 0:0:e:49:f9:29 ed0 expired S R fe80::200:86ff:fe05:80da%ed0 0:0:86:5:80:da ed0 expired S fe80::200:86ff:fe05:c2d8%ed0 0:0:86:5:c2:d8 ed0 9s R To flush all of the NDP cache entries, execute the following as root. # ndp -c To display the prefix list: % ndp -p 3ffe:501:4819:2000::/64 if=ed0 flags=LA, vltime=2592000, pltime=604800, expire=29d23h59m58s, origin=RA advertised by fe80::5254:ff:fedc:5217%ed0 (reachable) fe80::260:97ff:fec2:80bf%ed0 (reachable) fe80::200:eff:fe49:f929%ed0 (no neighbor state) To display the default router list: % ndp -r fe80::260:97ff:fec2:80bf if=ed0, flags=, expire=29m55s fe80::5254:ff:fedc:5217 if=ed0, flags=, expire=29m7s fe80::200:eff:fe49:f929 if=ed0, flags=, expire=28m47s <<>> To generate a Router Solicitation message right now to get global addresses, use "rtsol". # ifconfig ef0 ef0: flags=8863 link type ether 0:a0:24:ab:83:9b mtu 1500 speed 10Mbps media 10baseT status active inet6 fe80::2a0:24ff:feab:839b%ef0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2 # rtsol ef0 # ifconfig ef0 ef0: flags=8863 link type ether 0:a0:24:ab:83:9b mtu 1500 speed 10Mbps media 10baseT status active inet6 fe80::2a0:24ff:feab:839b%ef0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2 inet6 3ffe:501:4819:2000:2a0:24ff:feab:839b prefixlen 64 <<>> rtsold is a daemon version of rtsol. If you run KAME IPv6 on a laptop computer and frequently move with it, the daemon is useful since it watches the interface and sends router solicitations when the status of the interface changes. Note, however, that the feature is disabled by default. Please add -m option when invocation of rtsold. rtsold also supports multiple interfaces. For example, you can invoke the daemon as follows: # rtsold -m ep0 cnw0 <<>> To see routing table: # netstat -nr # netstat -nrl long format with Ref and Use. Note that bsdi4 does not support the -l option. You should use the -O option instead. <<>> If "net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv" is 1, Router Advertisement is accepted. This means that global addresses and default route are automatically set up. Otherwise, the announcement is rejected. The default value is 0. To set "net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv" to 1, execute as follows: # sysctl -w net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv=1 <<>> "gif" interface enables you to perform IPv{4,6} over IPv{4,6} protocol tunneling. To use this interface, you must specify the outer IPv{4,6} address by using gifconfig, like: # gifconfig gif0 "ifconfig gif0" will configure the address pair used for inner IPv{4,6} header. It is not required to configure inner IPv{4,6} address pair. If you do not configure inner IPv{4,6} address pair, tunnel link is considered as un-numbered link and the source address of inner IPv{4,6} address pair will be borrowed from other interfaces. The following example configures un-numbered IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel: # gifconfig gif0 netmask The following example configures numbered IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel: # gifconfig gif0 netmask # ifconfig gif0 inet6 3ffe:501:808:5::1 3ffe:501:808:5::2 prefixlen 64 alias IPv6 spec allows you to use point-to-point link without global IPv6 address assigned to the interface. Routing protocol (such as RIPng) uses link-local addresses only. If you are to configure IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel, you need not to configure an address pair for inner IPv6 header. We suggest you to use the former example (un-numbered IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel) to connect to 6bone for simplicity. Note that it is so easy to make an infinite routing loop using gif interface, if you configure a tunnel using the same protocol family for inner and outer header (i.e. IPv4-over-IPv4). Refer to gifconfig(8) for more details. <<<6to4>>> WARNING: malicious party can abuse 6to4 relay routers/sites, read through internet draft draft-itojun-ipv6-transition-abuse-xx.txt before configuring it. "stf" interface enables you to perform 6to4 IPv6-over-IPv4 encapsulation, as documented in draft-ietf-ngtrans-6to4-06.txt. See stf(4) for details. <<>> Inetd supports AF_INET and AF_INET6 sockets, with IPsec policy configuration support. Refer to inetd(8) for more details. <<>> IPsec requires fairly complex configuration, so here we show transport mode only. has more comprehensive examples. Let us setup security association to deploy a secure channel between HOST A ( and HOST B ( Here we show a little complicated example. From HOST A to HOST B, only old AH is used. From HOST B to HOST A, new AH and new ESP are combined. Now we should choose algorithm to be used corresponding to "AH"/"new AH"/"ESP"/"new ESP". Please refer to the "setkey" man page to know algorithm names. Our choice is MD5 for AH, new-HMAC-SHA1 for new AH, and new-DES-expIV with 8 byte IV for new ESP. Key length highly depends on each algorithm. For example, key length must be equal to 16 bytes for MD5, 20 for new-HMAC-SHA1, and 8 for new-DES-expIV. Now we choose "MYSECRETMYSECRET", "KAMEKAMEKAMEKAMEKAME", "PASSWORD", respectively. OK, let us assign SPI (Security Parameter Index) for each protocol. Please note that we need 3 SPIs for this secure channel since three security headers are produced (one for from HOST A to HOST B, two for from HOST B to HOST A). Please also note that SPI MUST be greater than or equal to 256. We choose, 1000, 2000, and 3000, respectively. (1) HOST A ------> HOST B (1)PROTO=AH ALG=MD5(RFC1826) KEY=MYSECRETMYSECRET SPI=1000 (2.1) HOST A <------ HOST B <------ (2.2) (2.1) PROTO=AH ALG=new-HMAC-SHA1(new AH) KEY=KAMEKAMEKAMEKAMEKAME SPI=2000 (2.2) PROTO=ESP ALG=new-DES-expIV(new ESP) IV length = 8 KEY=PASSWORD SPI=3000 Now, let us setup security association. Execute "setkey" on both HOST A and B: # setkey -c add ah 1000 -m transport -A keyed-md5 "MYSECRETMYSECRET" ; add ah 2000 -m transport -A hmac-sha1 "KAMEKAMEKAMEKAMEKAME" ; add esp 3000 -m transport -E des-cbc "PASSWORD" ; ^D Actually, IPsec communication doesn't process until security policy entries will be defined. In this case, you must setup each host. At A: # setkey -c spdadd any -P out ipsec ah/transport/ ; ^D At B: spdadd any -P out ipsec esp/transport//require ah/transport//require ; ^D To utilize the security associations installed into the kernel, you must set the socket security level by using setsockopt(). This is per-application (or per-socket) security. For example, the "ping" command has the -P option with parameter to enable AH and/or ESP. For example: % ping -P "out ipsec \ ah/transport//use \ esp/tunnel/" If there are proper SAs, this policy specification causes ICMP packet to be AH transport mode inner ESP tunnel mode like below. HOST C -----------> GATEWAY D ----------> HOST E | | | | | ======= ESP ======= | ==================== AH ================== <<>> EDNS0 is defined in RFC2671. With EDNS0, the resolver library can tell DNS server of its receiving buffer size, and permit DNS server to transmit large reply packet. EDNS0 is necessary to take advantage of larger minimum MTU in IPv6. KAME libinet6 includes resolver side support for EDNS0. Server side support for EDNS0 is included in ISC BIND9. query packet with EDNS0 tells receive buffer size KAME box -----------------------------> BIND9 DNS server KAME box <----------------------------- BIND9 DNS server can transmit jumbo reply, since DNS server knows receive buffer size of KAME box How to play with it: - prepare KAME box and BIND9 DNS server (can be a same node) - add the following into /etc/resolv.conf on KAME box: options edns0 <--- enables EDNS0 nameserver - run applications compiled with libinet6 (like /usr/local/v6/bin/telnet), see EDNS0 packet fly on the wire by tcpdump or some other method. Caveats: - BIND 4/8 DNS server will choke with EDNS0 packet, so you must not turn the option on if you have BIND 4/8 DNS server. If you enable "options edns0" against BIND 4/8 DNS server, you will never be able to resolve names. - If you use IPv6 UDP as DNS transport, path MTU discovery may affect the traffic. KAME box tries to fragment packet to 1280 bytes, however, BIND9 may not. - Some of our platforms do not use our extended resolver code in libinet6. See COVERAGE for detail. <> Even if you are on non-netbsd operating system, the URL should be useful.