#!/bin/sh #- # Copyright (c) 2011 Nathan Whitehorn # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # $FreeBSD$ echo "Begun Installation at $(date)" > $BSDINSTALL_LOG error() { test -n "$DISTDIR_IS_UNIONFS" && umount -f $BSDINSTALL_DISTDIR test -f $PATH_FSTAB && bsdinstall umount dialog --backtitle "FreeBSD Installer" --title "Abort" \ --no-label "Exit" --yes-label "Restart" --yesno \ "An installation step has been aborted. Would you like to restart the installation or exit the installer?" 0 0 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit else exec $0 fi } rm -rf $BSDINSTALL_TMPETC mkdir $BSDINSTALL_TMPETC trap true SIGINT # This section is optional bsdinstall keymap trap error SIGINT # Catch cntrl-C here bsdinstall hostname || error export DISTRIBUTIONS="base.txz kernel.txz" if [ -f $BSDINSTALL_DISTDIR/MANIFEST ]; then DISTMENU=`cut -f 4,5,6 $BSDINSTALL_DISTDIR/MANIFEST | grep -v -e ^kernel -e ^base` exec 3>&1 EXTRA_DISTS=$(echo $DISTMENU | xargs dialog \ --backtitle "FreeBSD Installer" \ --title "Distribution Select" --nocancel --separate-output \ --checklist "Choose optional system components to install:" \ 0 0 0 \ 2>&1 1>&3) for dist in $EXTRA_DISTS; do export DISTRIBUTIONS="$DISTRIBUTIONS $dist.txz" done fi FETCH_DISTRIBUTIONS="" for dist in $DISTRIBUTIONS; do if [ ! -f $BSDINSTALL_DISTDIR/$dist ]; then FETCH_DISTRIBUTIONS="$FETCH_DISTRIBUTIONS $dist" fi done FETCH_DISTRIBUTIONS=`echo $FETCH_DISTRIBUTIONS` # Trim white space if [ -n "$FETCH_DISTRIBUTIONS" -a -n "$BSDINSTALL_CONFIGCURRENT" ]; then dialog --backtitle "FreeBSD Installer" --title "Network Installation" --msgbox "No installation files were found on the boot volume. The next few screens will allow you to configure networking so that they can be downloaded from the Internet." 0 0 bsdinstall netconfig || error NETCONFIG_DONE=yes fi if [ -n "$FETCH_DISTRIBUTIONS" ]; then exec 3>&1 BSDINSTALL_DISTSITE=$(`dirname $0`/mirrorselect 2>&1 1>&3) MIRROR_BUTTON=$? exec 3>&- test $MIRROR_BUTTON -eq 0 || error export BSDINSTALL_DISTSITE fi rm $PATH_FSTAB touch $PATH_FSTAB dialog --backtitle "FreeBSD Installer" --title "Partitioning" --extra-button \ --extra-label "Manual" --ok-label "Guided" --cancel-label "Shell" \ --yesno "Would you like to use the guided partitioning tool (recommended for beginners) or to set up partitions manually (experts)? You can also open a shell and set up partitions entirely by hand." 0 0 case $? in 0) # Guided bsdinstall autopart || error bsdinstall mount || error ;; 1) # Shell clear echo "Use this shell to set up partitions for the new system. When finished, mount the system at $BSDINSTALL_CHROOT and place an fstab file for the new system at $PATH_FSTAB. Then type 'exit'. You can also enter the partition editor at any time by entering 'bsdinstall partedit'." sh ;; 3) # Manual bsdinstall partedit || error bsdinstall mount || error ;; *) error ;; esac if [ ! -z "$FETCH_DISTRIBUTIONS" ]; then ALL_DISTRIBUTIONS="$DISTRIBUTIONS" # Download to a directory in the new system as scratch space BSDINSTALL_FETCHDEST="$BSDINSTALL_CHROOT/usr/freebsd-dist" mkdir -p "$BSDINSTALL_FETCHDEST" || error export DISTRIBUTIONS="$FETCH_DISTRIBUTIONS" # Try to use any existing distfiles if [ -d $BSDINSTALL_DISTDIR ]; then DISTDIR_IS_UNIONFS=1 mount_unionfs "$BSDINSTALL_FETCHDEST" "$BSDINSTALL_DISTDIR" fi # Otherwise, fetch everything if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then export DISTRIBUTIONS="$ALL_DISTRIBUTIONS" export BSDINSTALL_DISTDIR="$BSDINSTALL_FETCHDEST" fi bsdinstall distfetch || error export DISTRIBUTIONS="$ALL_DISTRIBUTIONS" fi bsdinstall checksum || error bsdinstall distextract || error bsdinstall rootpass || error trap true SIGINT # This section is optional if [ "$NETCONFIG_DONE" != yes ]; then bsdinstall netconfig # Don't check for errors -- the user may cancel fi bsdinstall time bsdinstall services dialog --backtitle "FreeBSD Installer" --title "Add User Accounts" --yesno \ "Would you like to add users to the installed system now?" 0 0 && \ bsdinstall adduser finalconfig() { exec 3>&1 REVISIT=$(dialog --backtitle "FreeBSD Installer" \ --title "Final Configuration" --no-cancel --menu \ "Setup of your FreeBSD system is nearly complete. You can now modify your configuration choices or apply more complex changes using a shell." 0 0 0 \ "Add User" "Add a user to the system" \ "Root Password" "Change root password" \ "Hostname" "Set system hostname" \ "Network" "Networking configuration" \ "Services" "Set daemons to run on startup" \ "Time Zone" "Set system timezone" \ "Shell" "Open a shell in the new system" \ "Exit" "Apply configuration and exit installer" 2>&1 1>&3) exec 3>&- case "$REVISIT" in "Add User") bsdinstall adduser finalconfig ;; "Root Password") bsdinstall rootpass finalconfig ;; "Hostname") bsdinstall hostname finalconfig ;; "Network") bsdinstall netconfig finalconfig ;; "Services") bsdinstall services finalconfig ;; "Time Zone") bsdinstall time finalconfig ;; "Shell") clear echo This shell is operating in a chroot in the new system. \ When finished making configuration changes, type \"exit\". chroot "$BSDINSTALL_CHROOT" /bin/sh # Don't hose local rc.conf changes cp $BSDINSTALL_CHROOT/etc/rc.conf $BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/rc.conf.manual finalconfig ;; esac } # Allow user to change his mind finalconfig trap error SIGINT # SIGINT is bad again bsdinstall config || error if [ ! -z "$BSDINSTALL_FETCHDEST" ]; then [ "$BSDINSTALL_FETCHDEST" != "$BSDINSTALL_DISTDIR" ] && \ umount "$BSDINSTALL_DISTDIR" rm -rf "$BSDINSTALL_FETCHDEST" fi echo "Installation Completed at $(date)" >> $BSDINSTALL_LOG