# $Id: inc.mk,v 1.3 2011/03/11 05:23:05 sjg Exp $ # # @(#) Copyright (c) 2008, Simon J. Gerraty # # This file is provided in the hope that it will # be of use. There is absolutely NO WARRANTY. # Permission to copy, redistribute or otherwise # use this file is hereby granted provided that # the above copyright notice and this notice are # left intact. # # Please send copies of changes and bug-fixes to: # sjg@crufty.net # .include <init.mk> includes: ${INCS} .if !empty(LIBOWN) INC_INSTALL_OWN ?= -o ${LIBOWN} -g ${LIBGRP} .endif INCMODE ?= 444 INC_COPY ?= -C INCSDIR ?= ${INCDIR} realinstall: incinstall .if !target(incinstall) incinstall: .if !empty(INCS) [ -d ${DESTDIR}${INCSDIR} ] || \ ${INSTALL} -d ${INC_INSTALL_OWN} -m 775 ${DESTDIR}${INCSDIR} ${INSTALL} ${INC_COPY} ${INC_INSTALL_OWN} -m ${INCMODE} ${INCS} ${DESTDIR}${INCSDIR} .endif .endif