# $Id: tailboxbg2,v 1.10 2012/06/29 09:51:11 tom Exp $

. ./setup-vars

. ./setup-tempfile

./killall listing
./listing >listing.out &

$DIALOG --title "TAIL BOXES" \
	--no-kill \
	--begin 10 10 "$@" --tailboxbg listing.out 8 58 \
	--and-widget \
	--begin 15 15 "$@" --tailboxbg listing.out 8 58 \
	--and-widget \
	--begin 3 10 "$@" --msgbox "Press OK " 5 30 \

# The --and-widget causes a tab to be emitted, but our example will only
# write one number to stderr.
pid=`cat $tempfile |sed -e 's/	//g'`
if test -n "$pid" ; then
# wait a while for the background process to run
sleep 10

# now kill it
kill -$SIG_QUIT $pid 2>&1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
echo "killed [$pid]"

# ...and the process that is making the listing
./killall listing