Configuring IP Filter for firewall usage.

Step 1 - Block out "bad" IP packets.

Run the perl script "mkfilters".  This will generate a list of blocking
rules which:
	a) blocks all packets which might belong to an IP Spoofing attack;
	b) blocks all packets with IP options;
	c) blocks all packets which have a length which is too short for
	   any legal packet;

Step 2 - Convert Network Security Policy to filter rules.

Draw up a list of which services you want to allow users to use on the
Internet (e.g. WWW, ftp, etc).  Draw up a separate list for what you
want each host that is part of your firewall to be allowed to do, including
communication with internal hosts.

Step 3 - Create TCP "keep state" rules.

For each service that uses TCP, create a rule as follows:

pass in on <int-a> proto tcp from <int-net> to any port <ext-service> flags S/SA keep state

* "int-a" is the internal interface of the firewall.  That is, it is the
  closest to your internal network in terms of network hops.

* "int-net" is the internal network IP# subnet address range.  This might
   be something like, or

* "ext-service" is the service to which you wish to connect or if it doesn't
  have a proper name, a number can be used.  The translation of "ext-service"
  as a name to a number is controlled with the /etc/services file.