# -*- python -*- # # Copyright 2011-2012 Justin Erenkrantz and Greg Stein # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import sys import os import re EnsureSConsVersion(2,3,0) HEADER_FILES = ['serf.h', 'serf_bucket_types.h', 'serf_bucket_util.h', ] # where we save the configuration variables SAVED_CONFIG = '.saved_config' # Variable class that does no validation on the input def _converter(val): """ """ if val == 'none': val = [] else: val = val.split(' ') return val def RawListVariable(key, help, default): """ The input parameters describe a 'raw string list' option. This class accepts a space-separated string and converts it to a list. """ return (key, '%s' % (help), default, None, lambda val: _converter(val)) # Custom path validator, creates directory when a specified option is set. # To be used to ensure a PREFIX directory is only created when installing. def createPathIsDirCreateWithTarget(target): def my_validator(key, val, env): build_targets = (map(str, BUILD_TARGETS)) if target in build_targets: return PathVariable.PathIsDirCreate(key, val, env) else: return PathVariable.PathAccept(key, val, env) return my_validator # default directories if sys.platform == 'win32': default_incdir='..' default_libdir='..' default_prefix='Debug' else: default_incdir='/usr' default_libdir='$PREFIX/lib' default_prefix='/usr/local' opts = Variables(files=[SAVED_CONFIG]) opts.AddVariables( PathVariable('PREFIX', 'Directory to install under', default_prefix, createPathIsDirCreateWithTarget('install')), PathVariable('LIBDIR', 'Directory to install architecture dependent libraries under', default_libdir, createPathIsDirCreateWithTarget('install')), PathVariable('APR', "Path to apr-1-config, or to APR's install area", default_incdir, PathVariable.PathAccept), PathVariable('APU', "Path to apu-1-config, or to APR's install area", default_incdir, PathVariable.PathAccept), PathVariable('OPENSSL', "Path to OpenSSL's install area", default_incdir, PathVariable.PathIsDir), PathVariable('ZLIB', "Path to zlib's install area", default_incdir, PathVariable.PathIsDir), PathVariable('GSSAPI', "Path to GSSAPI's install area", None, None), BoolVariable('DEBUG', "Enable debugging info and strict compile warnings", False), BoolVariable('APR_STATIC', "Enable using a static compiled APR", False), RawListVariable('CC', "Command name or path of the C compiler", None), RawListVariable('CFLAGS', "Extra flags for the C compiler (space-separated)", None), RawListVariable('LIBS', "Extra libraries passed to the linker, " "e.g. \"-l<library1> -l<library2>\" (space separated)", None), RawListVariable('LINKFLAGS', "Extra flags for the linker (space-separated)", None), RawListVariable('CPPFLAGS', "Extra flags for the C preprocessor " "(space separated)", None), ) if sys.platform == 'win32': opts.AddVariables( # By default SCons builds for the host platform on Windows, when using # a supported compiler (E.g. VS2010/VS2012). Allow overriding # Note that Scons 1.3 only supports this on Windows and only when # constructing Environment(). Later changes to TARGET_ARCH are ignored EnumVariable('TARGET_ARCH', "Platform to build for (x86|x64|win32|x86_64)", 'x86', allowed_values=('x86', 'x86_64', 'ia64'), map={'X86' : 'x86', 'win32': 'x86', 'Win32': 'x86', 'x64' : 'x86_64', 'X64' : 'x86_64' }), EnumVariable('MSVC_VERSION', "Visual C++ to use for building (E.g. 11.0, 9.0)", None, allowed_values=('12.0', '11.0', '10.0', '9.0', '8.0', '6.0') ), # We always documented that we handle an install layout, but in fact we # hardcoded source layouts. Allow disabling this behavior. # ### Fix default? BoolVariable('SOURCE_LAYOUT', "Assume a source layout instead of install layout", True), ) env = Environment(variables=opts, tools=('default', 'textfile',), CPPPATH=['.', ], ) env.Append(BUILDERS = { 'GenDef' : Builder(action = sys.executable + ' build/gen_def.py $SOURCES > $TARGET', suffix='.def', src_suffix='.h') }) match = re.search('SERF_MAJOR_VERSION ([0-9]+).*' 'SERF_MINOR_VERSION ([0-9]+).*' 'SERF_PATCH_VERSION ([0-9]+)', env.File('serf.h').get_contents(), re.DOTALL) MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH = [int(x) for x in match.groups()] env.Append(MAJOR=str(MAJOR)) env.Append(MINOR=str(MINOR)) env.Append(PATCH=str(PATCH)) # Calling external programs is okay if we're not cleaning or printing help. # (cleaning: no sense in fetching information; help: we may not know where # they are) CALLOUT_OKAY = not (env.GetOption('clean') or env.GetOption('help')) # HANDLING OF OPTION VARIABLES unknown = opts.UnknownVariables() if unknown: print 'Unknown variables:', ', '.join(unknown.keys()) Exit(1) apr = str(env['APR']) apu = str(env['APU']) zlib = str(env['ZLIB']) gssapi = env.get('GSSAPI', None) if gssapi and os.path.isdir(gssapi): krb5_config = os.path.join(gssapi, 'bin', 'krb5-config') if os.path.isfile(krb5_config): gssapi = krb5_config env['GSSAPI'] = krb5_config debug = env.get('DEBUG', None) aprstatic = env.get('APR_STATIC', None) Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(env)) opts.Save(SAVED_CONFIG, env) # PLATFORM-SPECIFIC BUILD TWEAKS thisdir = os.getcwd() libdir = '$LIBDIR' incdir = '$PREFIX/include/serf-$MAJOR' # This version string is used in the dynamic library name, and for Mac OS X also # for the current_version and compatibility_version options in the .dylib # # Unfortunately we can't set the .dylib compatibility_version option separately # from current_version, so don't use the PATCH level to avoid that build and # runtime patch levels have to be identical. env['SHLIBVERSION'] = '%d.%d.%d' % (MAJOR, MINOR, 0) LIBNAME = 'libserf-%d' % (MAJOR,) if sys.platform != 'win32': LIBNAMESTATIC = LIBNAME else: LIBNAMESTATIC = 'serf-${MAJOR}' env.Append(RPATH=libdir, PDB='${TARGET.filebase}.pdb') if sys.platform == 'darwin': # linkflags.append('-Wl,-install_name,@executable_path/%s.dylib' % (LIBNAME,)) env.Append(LINKFLAGS='-Wl,-install_name,%s/%s.dylib' % (thisdir, LIBNAME,)) if sys.platform != 'win32': ### gcc only. figure out appropriate test / better way to check these ### flags, and check for gcc. env.Append(CFLAGS='-std=c89') ### These warnings are not available on Solaris if sys.platform != 'sunos5': env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-Wdeclaration-after-statement', '-Wmissing-prototypes', '-Wall']) if debug: env.Append(CCFLAGS='-g') env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['DEBUG', '_DEBUG']) else: env.Append(CCFLAGS='-O2') env.Append(CPPDEFINES='NDEBUG') ### works for Mac OS. probably needs to change env.Append(LIBS=['ssl', 'crypto', 'z', ]) if sys.platform == 'sunos5': env.Append(LIBS='m') else: # Warning level 4, no unused argument warnings env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/W4', '/wd4100']) # Choose runtime and optimization if debug: # Disable optimizations for debugging, use debug DLL runtime env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/Od', '/MDd']) env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['DEBUG', '_DEBUG']) else: # Optimize for speed, use DLL runtime env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/O2', '/MD']) env.Append(CPPDEFINES='NDEBUG') env.Append(LINKFLAGS='/RELEASE') # PLAN THE BUILD SHARED_SOURCES = [] if sys.platform == 'win32': env.GenDef(['serf.h','serf_bucket_types.h', 'serf_bucket_util.h']) SHARED_SOURCES.append(['serf.def']) SOURCES = Glob('*.c') + Glob('buckets/*.c') + Glob('auth/*.c') lib_static = env.StaticLibrary(LIBNAMESTATIC, SOURCES) lib_shared = env.SharedLibrary(LIBNAME, SOURCES + SHARED_SOURCES) if aprstatic: env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['APR_DECLARE_STATIC', 'APU_DECLARE_STATIC']) if sys.platform == 'win32': env.Append(LIBS=['user32.lib', 'advapi32.lib', 'gdi32.lib', 'ws2_32.lib', 'crypt32.lib', 'mswsock.lib', 'rpcrt4.lib', 'secur32.lib']) # Get apr/apu information into our build env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['WIN32','WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN','NOUSER', 'NOGDI', 'NONLS','NOCRYPT']) if env.get('TARGET_ARCH', None) == 'x86_64': env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['WIN64']) if aprstatic: apr_libs='apr-1.lib' apu_libs='aprutil-1.lib' else: apr_libs='libapr-1.lib' apu_libs='libaprutil-1.lib' env.Append(LIBS=[apr_libs, apu_libs]) if not env.get('SOURCE_LAYOUT', None): env.Append(LIBPATH=['$APR/lib', '$APU/lib'], CPPPATH=['$APR/include/apr-1', '$APU/include/apr-1']) elif aprstatic: env.Append(LIBPATH=['$APR/LibR','$APU/LibR'], CPPPATH=['$APR/include', '$APU/include']) else: env.Append(LIBPATH=['$APR/Release','$APU/Release'], CPPPATH=['$APR/include', '$APU/include']) # zlib env.Append(LIBS='zlib.lib') if not env.get('SOURCE_LAYOUT', None): env.Append(CPPPATH='$ZLIB/include', LIBPATH='$ZLIB/lib') else: env.Append(CPPPATH='$ZLIB', LIBPATH='$ZLIB') # openssl env.Append(LIBS=['libeay32.lib', 'ssleay32.lib']) if not env.get('SOURCE_LAYOUT', None): env.Append(CPPPATH='$OPENSSL/include/openssl', LIBPATH='$OPENSSL/lib') elif 0: # opensslstatic: env.Append(CPPPATH='$OPENSSL/inc32', LIBPATH='$OPENSSL/out32') else: env.Append(CPPPATH='$OPENSSL/inc32', LIBPATH='$OPENSSL/out32dll') else: if os.path.isdir(apr): apr = os.path.join(apr, 'bin', 'apr-1-config') env['APR'] = apr if os.path.isdir(apu): apu = os.path.join(apu, 'bin', 'apu-1-config') env['APU'] = apu ### we should use --cc, but that is giving some scons error about an implict ### dependency upon gcc. probably ParseConfig doesn't know what to do with ### the apr-1-config output if CALLOUT_OKAY: env.ParseConfig('$APR --cflags --cppflags --ldflags --includes' ' --link-ld --libs') env.ParseConfig('$APU --ldflags --includes --link-ld --libs') ### there is probably a better way to run/capture output. ### env.ParseConfig() may be handy for getting this stuff into the build if CALLOUT_OKAY: apr_libs = os.popen(env.subst('$APR --link-libtool --libs')).read().strip() apu_libs = os.popen(env.subst('$APU --link-libtool --libs')).read().strip() else: apr_libs = '' apu_libs = '' env.Append(CPPPATH='$OPENSSL/include') env.Append(LIBPATH='$OPENSSL/lib') # If build with gssapi, get its information and define SERF_HAVE_GSSAPI if gssapi and CALLOUT_OKAY: env.ParseConfig('$GSSAPI --cflags gssapi') def parse_libs(env, cmd, unique=1): env['GSSAPI_LIBS'] = cmd.strip() return env.MergeFlags(cmd, unique) env.ParseConfig('$GSSAPI --libs gssapi', parse_libs) env.Append(CPPDEFINES='SERF_HAVE_GSSAPI') if sys.platform == 'win32': env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['SERF_HAVE_SSPI']) # On some systems, the -R values that APR describes never make it into actual # RPATH flags. We'll manually map all directories in LIBPATH into new # flags to set RPATH values. for d in env['LIBPATH']: env.Append(RPATH=':'+d) # Set up the construction of serf-*.pc pkgconfig = env.Textfile('serf-%d.pc' % (MAJOR,), env.File('build/serf.pc.in'), SUBST_DICT = { '@MAJOR@': str(MAJOR), '@PREFIX@': '$PREFIX', '@LIBDIR@': '$LIBDIR', '@INCLUDE_SUBDIR@': 'serf-%d' % (MAJOR,), '@VERSION@': '%d.%d.%d' % (MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH), '@LIBS@': '%s %s %s -lz' % (apu_libs, apr_libs, env.get('GSSAPI_LIBS', '')), }) env.Default(lib_static, lib_shared, pkgconfig) if CALLOUT_OKAY: conf = Configure(env) ### some configuration stuffs env = conf.Finish() # INSTALLATION STUFF install_static = env.Install(libdir, lib_static) install_shared = env.InstallVersionedLib(libdir, lib_shared) if sys.platform == 'darwin': # Change the shared library install name (id) to its final name and location. # Notes: # If --install-sandbox=<path> is specified, install_shared_path will point # to a path in the sandbox. We can't use that path because the sandbox is # only a temporary location. The id should be the final target path. # Also, we shouldn't use the complete version number for id, as that'll # make applications depend on the exact major.minor.patch version of serf. install_shared_path = install_shared[0].abspath target_install_shared_path = os.path.join(libdir, '%s.dylib' % LIBNAME) env.AddPostAction(install_shared, ('install_name_tool -id %s %s' % (target_install_shared_path, install_shared_path))) env.Alias('install-lib', [install_static, install_shared, ]) env.Alias('install-inc', env.Install(incdir, HEADER_FILES)) env.Alias('install-pc', env.Install(os.path.join(libdir, 'pkgconfig'), pkgconfig)) env.Alias('install', ['install-lib', 'install-inc', 'install-pc', ]) # TESTS ### make move to a separate scons file in the test/ subdir? tenv = env.Clone() TEST_PROGRAMS = [ 'serf_get', 'serf_response', 'serf_request', 'serf_spider', 'test_all', 'serf_bwtp' ] if sys.platform == 'win32': TEST_EXES = [ os.path.join('test', '%s.exe' % (prog)) for prog in TEST_PROGRAMS ] else: TEST_EXES = [ os.path.join('test', '%s' % (prog)) for prog in TEST_PROGRAMS ] env.AlwaysBuild(env.Alias('check', TEST_EXES, sys.executable + ' build/check.py', ENV={'PATH' : os.environ['PATH']})) # Find the (dynamic) library in this directory tenv.Replace(RPATH=thisdir) tenv.Prepend(LIBS=[LIBNAMESTATIC, ], LIBPATH=[thisdir, ]) testall_files = [ 'test/test_all.c', 'test/CuTest.c', 'test/test_util.c', 'test/test_context.c', 'test/test_buckets.c', 'test/test_auth.c', 'test/mock_buckets.c', 'test/test_ssl.c', 'test/server/test_server.c', 'test/server/test_sslserver.c', ] for proggie in TEST_EXES: if 'test_all' in proggie: tenv.Program(proggie, testall_files ) else: tenv.Program(target = proggie, source = [proggie.replace('.exe','') + '.c']) # HANDLE CLEANING if env.GetOption('clean'): # When we're cleaning, we want the dependency tree to include "everything" # that could be built. Thus, include all of the tests. env.Default('check')