: # -*- perl -*- # $tcsh: tcsh.man2html,v 1.15 2011/02/05 16:15:56 christos Exp $ # tcsh.man2html, Dave Schweisguth <dcs@proton.chem.yale.edu> # # Notes: # # Always puts all files in the directory tcsh.html, creating it if necessary. # tcsh.html/top.html is the entry point, and tcsh.html/index.html is a symlink # to tcsh.html/top.html so one needn't specify a file at all if working through # a typically configured server. # # Designed for tcsh manpage. Guaranteed not to work on manpages not written # in the exact same style of nroff -man, i.e. any other manpage. # # Makes links FROM items which are both a) in particular sections (see # Configuration) and b) marked with .B or .I. Makes links TO items which # are marked with \fB ... \fR or \fI ... \fR. # # Designed with X Mosaic in mind and tested lightly with lynx. I've punted on # HTML's lack of a .PD equivalent and lynx's different <menu> handling. # Emulate #!/usr/local/bin/perl on systems without #! eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q' if 0; ### Constants # Setup ($whatami = $0) =~ s|.*/||; # `basename $0` $isatty = -t STDIN; # Configuration $index = 0; # Don't make a searchable index CGI script $cgibin = 0; # Look for $cgifile in $dir, not $cgibindir $shortfiles = 0; # Use long filenames $single = 0; # Make single page instead of top and sections $host = ''; # host:port part of server URL *** $updir = ''; # Directories between $host and $dir *** $dir = 'tcsh'; # Directory in which to put the pieces * $cgifile = 'tcsh.cgi'; # CGI script name ** $cgibindir = 'cgi-bin'; # CGI directory *** $headerfile = 'header'; # HTML file for initial comments * $indexfile = 'index'; # Symlink to $topfile * $listsfile = 'lists'; # Mailing list description HTML file * $outfile = 'tcsh.man'; # Default input file and copy of input file $script = $whatami; # Copy of script; filename length must be OK $topfile = 'top'; # Top-level HTML file * # * .htm or .html suffix added later # ** Only used with -i or -c # *** Only used with -c # Sections to inline in the top page %inline_me = ('NAME', 1, 'SYNOPSIS', 1); # Sections in which to put name anchors and the font in which to look for # links to those anchors %link_me = ('Editor commands', 'I', 'Builtin commands', 'I', 'Special aliases', 'I', 'Special shell variables', 'B', 'ENVIRONMENT', 'B', 'FILES', 'I'); ### Arguments and error-checking # Parse args while ($#ARGV > -1 && (($first, $rest) = ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-(.)(.*)/))) { # Perl 5 lossage alert if ($first =~ /[CdDGh]/) { # Switches with arguments shift; $arg = $rest ne '' ? $rest : $ARGV[0] ne '' ? shift : &usage("$whatami: -$first requires an argument.\n"); } elsif ($rest ne '') { $ARGV[0] = "-$rest"; } else { shift; } if ($first eq '1') { $single = 1; } elsif ($first eq 'c') { $cgibin = 1; } elsif ($first eq 'C') { $cgibindir = $arg; } elsif ($first eq 'd') { $updir = $arg; } elsif ($first eq 'D') { $dir = $arg; } elsif ($first eq 'G') { $cgifile = $arg; } elsif ($first eq 'h') { $host = $arg; } elsif ($first eq 'i') { $index = 1; } elsif ($first eq 's') { $shortfiles = 1; } elsif ($first eq 'u') { &usage(0); } else { &usage("$whatami: -$first is not an option.\n"); } } if (@ARGV == 0) { if ($isatty) { $infile = $outfile; # Default input file if interactive } else { $infile = 'STDIN'; # Read STDIN if no args and not a tty } } elsif (@ARGV == 1) { $infile = $ARGV[0]; } else { &usage("$whatami: Please specify one and only one file.\n"); } $index = $index || $cgibin; # $index is true if $cgibin is true if ($cgibin && ! $host) { die "$whatami: Must specify host with -h if using -c.\n"; } # Decide on HTML suffix and append it to filenames $html = $shortfiles ? 'htm' : 'html'; # Max 3-character extension $dir .= ".$html"; # Directory in which to put the pieces $headerfile .= ".$html"; # HTML file for initial comments $topfile .= ".$html"; # Top-level HTML file (or moved notice) $indexfile .= ".$html"; # Symlink to $topfile $listsfile .= ".$html"; # Mailing list description HTML file # Check for input file unless ($infile eq 'STDIN') { die "$whatami: $infile doesn't exist!\n" unless -e $infile; die "$whatami: $infile is unreadable!\n" unless -r _; die "$whatami: $infile is empty!\n" unless -s _; } # Check for output directory and create if necessary if (-e $dir) { -d _ || die "$whatami: $dir is not a directory!\n"; -r _ && -w _ && -x _ || die "$whatami: $dir is inaccessible!\n" } else { mkdir($dir, 0755) || die "$whatami: Can't create $dir!\n"; } # Slurp manpage if ($infile eq 'STDIN') { @man = <STDIN>; } else { open(MAN, $infile) || die "$whatami: Error opening $infile!\n"; @man = <MAN>; close MAN; } # Print manpage to HTML directory (can't use cp if we're reading from STDIN) open(MAN, ">$dir/$outfile") || die "$whatami: Can't open $dir/$outfile!\n"; print MAN @man; close MAN; # Copy script to HTML directory (system("cp $0 $dir") >> 8) && die "$whatami: Can't copy $0 to $dir!\n"; # Link top.html to index.html in case someone looks at tcsh.html/ system("rm -f $dir/$indexfile"); # Some systems can't ln -sf (system("ln -s $topfile $dir/$indexfile") >> 8) && die "$whatami: Can't link $topfile to $dir/$indexfile!\n"; ### Get title and section headings $comment = 0; # 0 for text, 1 for ignored text @sectionlines = (0); # First line of section @sectiontypes = (0); # H or S @sectiontexts = ('Header'); # Text of section heading @sectionfiles = ($headerfile); # Filename in which to store section %name = (); # Array of name anchors @name = () if $index; # Ordered array of name anchors $font = ''; # '' to not make names, 'B' or 'I' to do so $line = 0; foreach (@man) { if (/^\.ig/) { # Start ignoring $comment = 1; } elsif (/^\.\./) { # Stop ignoring $comment = 0; } elsif (! $comment) { # Not in .ig'ed section; do stuff # nroff special characters s/\\-/-/g; # \- s/\\^//g; # \^ s/^\\'/'/; # leading ' escape s/^\\(\s)/$1/; # leading space escape s/\\(e|\\)/\\/g; # \e, \\; must do this after other escapes # HTML special characters; deal with these before adding more s/&/&\;/g; s/>/>\;/g; s/</<\;/g; # Get title if (/^\.TH\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+\"([^\"]*)\"\s+\"([^\"]*)\"/) { $title = "$1($2) $4 ($3) $1($2)"; } # Build per-section info arrays if (($type, $text) = /^\.S([HS])\s+\"?([^\"]*)\"?/) { push(@sectionlines, $line); # Index of first line of section push(@sectiontypes, $type eq 'H' ? 0 : 1); # Type of section $text =~ s/\s*$//; # Remove trailing whitespace push(@sectiontexts, $text); # Title of section (key for href) $text =~ s/\s*\(\+\)$//; # Remove (+) if ($shortfiles) { $file = $#sectionlines; # Short filenames; use number } else { $file = $text; # Long filenames; use title $file =~ s/[\s\/]+/_/g; # Replace whitespace and / with _ } $file .= ".$html" unless $single; push(@sectionfiles, $file); # File in which to store section $name{"$text B"} = ($single ? '#' : '') . $file; # Index entry for &make_hrefs push(@name, "$text\t" . $name{"$text B"}) if $index; # Index entry for CGI script # Look for anchors in the rest of this section if $link_me{$text} # is non-null, and mark them with the font which is its value $font = $link_me{$text}; } &make_name(*name, *font, *file, *index, *_) if $font; } $line++; } ### Make top page open(TOP, ">$dir/$topfile"); select TOP; # Top page header print <<EOP; <HEAD> <TITLE>$title</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <A NAME="top"></A> <H1>$title</H1> <HR> EOP # FORM block, if we're making an index $action = $cgibin ? "http://$host/$cgibindir/$cgifile" : $cgifile; print <<EOP if $index; <FORM METHOD="GET" ACTION="$action"> Go directly to a section, command or variable: <INPUT NAME="input"> </FORM> EOP # Table of contents print <<EOP; <H2> EOP foreach $section (1 .. $#sectionlines) { if ($sectiontypes[$section - 1] < $sectiontypes[$section]) { print "</H2> <menu>\n"; # Indent, smaller font } elsif ($sectiontypes[$section - 1] > $sectiontypes[$section]) { print "</menu> <H2>\n"; # Outdent, larger font } if ($inline_me{$sectiontexts[$section]}) { # Section is in %inline_me # Print section inline print "$sectiontexts[$section]\n"; print "</H2> <menu>\n"; # Indent, smaller font &printsectionbody(*man, *sectionlines, *section, *name); print "</menu> <H2>\n"; # Outdent, larger font } else { # Print link to section print "<A HREF=\"", $single ? '#' : '', "$sectionfiles[$section]\">$sectiontexts[$section]</A><BR>\n"; } } print <<EOP; </H2> EOP print "<HR>\n" if $single; ### Make sections foreach $section (0 .. $#sectionlines) { # Skip inlined sections next if $inline_me{$sectiontexts[$section]}; if ($single) { # Header print <<EOP if $section; # Skip header section <H2><A NAME="$sectionfiles[$section]">$sectiontexts[$section]</A></H2> <menu> EOP &printsectionbody(*man, *sectionlines, *section, *name); print <<EOP if $section; # Skip header section <A HREF="#top">Table of Contents</A> </menu> EOP } else { # Make pointer line for header and trailer $pointers = "<A HREF=\"$topfile\">Up</A>"; $pointers .= "\n<A HREF=\"$sectionfiles[$section + 1]\">Next</A>" if ($section < $#sectionlines) && ! $inline_me{$sectiontexts[$section + 1]}; $pointers .= "\n<A HREF=\"$sectionfiles[$section - 1]\">Previous</A>" if ($section > 1) && # section 0 is initial comments ! $inline_me{$sectiontexts[$section - 1]}; # Header open(OUT, ">$dir/$sectionfiles[$section]"); select OUT; print <<EOP; <HEAD> <TITLE>$sectiontexts[$section]</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> $pointers <H2>$sectiontexts[$section]</H2> EOP &printsectionbody(*man, *sectionlines, *section, *name); # Trailer print <<EOP; $pointers </BODY> EOP } } select TOP unless $single; # Top page trailer print <<EOP; </H2> <HR> Here are the <A HREF="$outfile">nroff manpage</A> (175K) from which this HTML version was generated, the <A HREF="$script">Perl script</A> which did the conversion and the <A HREF="ftp://ftp.astron.com/pub/tcsh/"> complete source code</A> for <I>tcsh</I>. <HR> <I>tcsh</I> is maintained by Christos Zoulas <A HREF="mailto:christos\@gw.com"><christos\@gw.com></A> and the <A HREF="$listsfile"><I>tcsh</I> maintainers' mailing list</A>. Dave Schweisguth <A HREF="mailto:dcs\@proton.chem.yale.edu"><dcs\@proton.chem.yale.edu></A> wrote the manpage and the HTML conversion script. </BODY> EOP close TOP; ### Make lists page open(LISTS, ">$dir/$listsfile"); select LISTS; while(($_ = <DATA>) ne "END\n") { # Text stored after __END__ s/TOPFILEHERE/$topfile/; print; } close LISTS; ### Make search script if ($index) { # URL of $dir; see comments in search script $root = $cgibin ? "'http://$host/" . ($updir ? "$updir/" : '') . "$dir/'" : '"http://$ENV{\'SERVER_NAME\'}:$ENV{\'SERVER_PORT\'}" . (($_ = $ENV{\'SCRIPT_NAME\'}) =~ s|[^/]*$||, $_)'; # String for passing @name to search script $name = join("',\n'", @name); open(TOP, ">$dir/$cgifile"); select TOP; while(($_ = <DATA>) ne "END\n") { # Text stored after __END__ s/ROOTHERE/$root/; s/NAMEHERE/$name/; s/TOPFILEHERE/$topfile/; print; } close TOP; chmod(0755, "$dir/$cgifile") || die "$whatami: Can't chmod 0755 $dir/$cgifile!\n"; warn "$whatami: Don't forget to move $dir/$cgifile to /$cgibindir.\n" if $cgibin; } ### That's all, folks exit; ### Subroutines # Process and print the body of a section sub printsectionbody { local(*man, *sectionlines, *sline, *name) = @_; # Number of section local($sfirst, $slast, @paralines, @paratypes, $comment, $dl, $pline, $comment, $pfirst, $plast, @para, @tag, $changeindent); # Define section boundaries $sfirst = $sectionlines[$sline] + 1; if ($sline == $#sectionlines) { $slast = $#man; } else { $slast = $sectionlines[$sline + 1] - 1; } # Find paragraph markers, ignoring those between '.ig' and '..' if ($man[$sfirst] =~ /^\.[PIT]P/) { @paralines = (); @paratypes = (); } else { @paralines = ($sfirst - 1); # .P follows .S[HS] by default @paratypes = ('P'); } $comment = 0; foreach ($sfirst .. $slast) { if ($man[$_] =~ /^\.ig/) { # Start ignoring $comment = 1; } elsif ($man[$_] =~ /^\.\./) { # Stop ignoring $comment = 0; } elsif (! $comment && $man[$_] =~ /^\.([PIT])P/) { push(@paralines, $_); push(@paratypes, $1); } } # Process paragraphs $changeindent = 0; $dl = 0; foreach $pline (0 .. $#paralines) { @para = (); $comment = 0; # Define para boundaries $pfirst = $paralines[$pline] + 1; if ($pline == $#paralines) { $plast = $slast; } else { $plast = $paralines[$pline + 1] - 1; } foreach (@man[$pfirst .. $plast]) { if (/^\.ig/) { # nroff begin ignore if ($comment == 0) { $comment = 2; push(@para, "<!--\n"); } elsif ($comment == 1) { $comment = 2; } elsif ($comment == 2) { s/--/-/g; # Remove double-dashes in comments push(@para, $_); } } elsif (/^\.\./) { # nroff end ignore if ($comment == 0) { ; } elsif ($comment == 1) { ; } elsif ($comment == 2) { $comment = 1; } } elsif (/^\.\\\"/) { # nroff comment if ($comment == 0) { $comment = 1; push(@para, "<!--\n"); s/^\.\\\"//; } elsif ($comment == 1) { s/^\.\\\"//; } elsif ($comment == 2) { ; } s/--/-/g; # Remove double-dashes in comments push(@para, $_); } else { # Nothing to do with comments if ($comment == 0) { ; } elsif ($comment == 1) { $comment = 0; push(@para, "-->\n"); } elsif ($comment == 2) { s/--/-/g; # Remove double-dashes in comments } unless ($comment) { if (/^\.TH/) { # Title; got this already next; } elsif (/^\.PD/) { # Para spacing; unimplemented next; } elsif (/^\.RS/) { # Indent (one width only) $changeindent++; next; } elsif (/^\.RE/) { # Outdent $changeindent--; next; } # Line break s/^\.br.*/<BR>/; # More nroff special characters s/^\\&\;//; # leading dot escape; save until # now so leading dots aren't # confused with ends of .igs &make_hrefs(*name, *_); } push(@para, $_); } } push(@para, "-->\n") if $comment; # Close open comment # Print paragraph if ($paratypes[$pline] eq 'P') { &font(*para); print @para; } elsif ($paratypes[$pline] eq 'I') { &font(*para); print "<menu>\n", @para, "</menu>\n"; } else { # T @tag = shift(@para); &font(*tag); &font(*para); print "<DL compact>\n" unless $dl; print "<DT>\n", @tag, "<DD>\n", @para; if ($pline == $#paratypes || $paratypes[$pline + 1] ne 'T') { # Perl 5 lossage alert # Next para is not a definition list $dl = 0; # Close open definition list print "</DL>\n"; } else { $dl = 1; # Leave definition list open } } print "<P>\n"; # Indent/outdent the *next* para while ($changeindent > 0) { print "<menu>\n"; $changeindent--; } while ($changeindent < 0) { print "</menu>\n"; $changeindent++; } } 1; } # Make one name anchor in a line; cue on fonts (.B or .I) but leave them alone sub make_name { local(*name, *font, *file, *index, *line) = @_; local($text); if (($text) = ($line =~ /^\.[BI]\s+([^\s\\]+)/)) { # Found pattern if ( $text !~ /^-/ # Avoid lists of options && (length($text) > 1 # and history escapes || $text =~ /^[%:@]$/) # Special pleading for %, :, @ && ! $name{"$text $font"} # Skip if there's one already ) { # Record link $name{"$text $font"} = ($single ? '' : $file) . "#$text"; push(@name, "$text\t" . $name{"$text $font"}) if $index; # Put in the name anchor $line =~ s/^(\.[BI]\s+)([^\s\\]+)/$1<A NAME=\"$text\">$2<\/A>/; } } $line; } # Make all the href anchors in a line; cue on fonts (\fB ... \fR or # \fI ... \fR) but leave them alone sub make_hrefs { local(*name, *line) = @_; local(@pieces, $piece); @pieces = split(/(\\f[BI][^\\]*\\fR)/, $line); $piece = 0; foreach (@pieces) { if (/\\f([BI])([^\\]*)\\fR/ # Found a possibility # It's not followed by (, i.e. it's not a manpage reference && substr($pieces[$piece + 1], 0, 1) ne '(') { $key = "$2 $1"; if ($name{$key}) { # If there's a matching name s/(\\f[BI])([^\\]*)(\\fR)/$1<A HREF=\"$name{$key}\">$2<\/A>$3/; } } $piece++; } $line = join('', @pieces); } # Convert nroff font escapes to HTML # Expects comments and breaks to be in HTML form already sub font { local(*para) = @_; local($i, $j, @begin, @end, $part, @pieces, $bold, $italic); return 0 if $#para == -1; # Ignore empty paragraphs # Perl 5 lossage alert # Find beginning and end of each part between HTML comments $i = 0; @begin = (); @end = (); foreach (@para) { push(@begin, $i + 1) if /^-->/ || /^<BR>/; push(@end, $i - 1) if /^<!--/ || /^<BR>/; $i++; } if ($para[0] =~ /^<!--/ || $para[0] =~ /^<BR>/) { shift(@end); } else { unshift(@begin, 0); # Begin at the beginning } if ($para[$#para] =~ /^-->/ || $para[$#para] =~ /^<BR>/) { pop(@begin); } else { push(@end, $#para); # End at the end } # Fontify each part $bold = $italic = 0; foreach $i (0 .. $#begin) { $part = join('', @para[$begin[$i] .. $end[$i]]); $part =~ s/^\.([BI])\s+(.*)$/\\f$1$2\\fR/gm; # .B, .I @pieces = split(/(\\f[BIR])/m, $part); $part = ''; foreach $j (@pieces) { if ($j eq '\fB') { if ($italic) { $italic = 0; $part .= '</I>'; } unless ($bold) { $bold = 1; $part .= '<B>'; } } elsif ($j eq '\fI') { if ($bold) { $bold = 0; $part .= '</B>'; } unless ($italic) { $italic = 1; $part .= '<I>'; } } elsif ($j eq '\fR') { if ($bold) { $bold = 0; $part .= '</B>'; } elsif ($italic) { $italic = 0; $part .= '</I>'; } } else { $part .= $j; } } # Close bold/italic before break if ($end[$i] == $#para || $para[$end[$i] + 1] =~ /^<BR>/) { # Perl 5 lossage alert if ($bold) { $bold = 0; $part =~ s/(\n)?$/<\/B>$1\n/; } elsif ($italic) { $italic = 0; $part =~ s/(\n)?$/<\/I>$1\n/; } } # Rebuild this section of @para foreach $j ($begin[$i] .. $end[$i]) { $part =~ s/^([^\n]*(\n|$))//; $para[$j] = $1; } } # Close bold/italic on last non-comment line # Do this only here because fonts pass through comments $para[$end[$#end]] =~ s/(\n)?$/<\/B>$1/ if $bold; $para[$end[$#end]] =~ s/(\n)?$/<\/I>$1/ if $italic; } sub usage { local ($message) = $_[0]; warn $message if $message; warn <<EOP; Usage: $whatami [-1icsu] [-C dir] [-d dir] [-h host] [file] Without [file], reads from tcsh.man or stdin. -1 Makes a single page instead of a table of contents and sections -i Makes a CGI searchable index script, tcsh.html/tcsh.cgi, intended for a server which respects the .cgi extension in any directory. -c Like -i, but the CGI script is intended for a server which wants scripts in /cgi-bin (or some other privileged directory separate from the rest of the HTML) and must be moved there by hand. -C dir Uses /dir instead of /cgi-bin as the CGI bin dir. Meaningless without -c. -d dir Uses /dir/tcsh.html instead of /tcsh.html as the HTML dir. Meaningless without -c. -D dir Uses /dir.html instead of /tcsh.html as the HTML dir. Meaningless without -c. -G name Uses name instead of tcsh.cgi as the name of the CGI script. Meaningless without -c or -i. -h host Uses host as the host:port part of the URL to the entry point. Meaningless without -c. -s Filenames are shorter (max 8 + 3) but less descriptive. -u This message EOP exit !! $message; } ### Inlined documents. Watch for *HERE tokens. __END__ <HEAD> <TITLE>The tcsh mailing lists</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <A HREF="TOPFILEHERE">Up</A> <H2>The <I>tcsh</I> mailing lists</H2> There are three <I>tcsh</I> mailing lists: <DL> <DT> <I>tcsh@mx.gw.com</I> <DD> The <I>tcsh</I> maintainers and testers' mailing list. <DT> <I>tcsh-bugs@mx.gw.com</I> <DD> Open bug and user comment discussion. </DL> You can subscribe to either of these lists by visiting <I><A HREF="http://mx.gw.com/">http://mx.gw.com/</A></I> <P> To file a bug report or a feature suggestion (preferably with code), please visit <I><A HREF="http://bugs.gw.com/">http://bugs.gw.com/</A></I> <P> <A HREF="TOPFILEHERE">Up</A> </BODY> END : # -*- perl -*- # Emulate #!/usr/local/bin/perl on systems without #! eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q' if 0; # Setup # Location: doesn't work with relative URLs, so we need to know where to find # the top and section files. # If the search engine is in /cgi-bin, we need a hard-coded URL. # If the search engine is in the same directory, we can figure it out from CGI # environment variables. $root = ROOTHERE; $topfile = 'TOPFILEHERE'; @name = ( 'NAMEHERE' ); # Do the search $input = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; $input =~ s/^input=//; $input =~ s/\+/ /g; print "Status: 302 Found\n"; if ($input ne '' && ($key = (grep(/^$input/, @name))[0] || (grep(/^$input/i, @name))[0] || (grep( /$input/i, @name))[0] )) { $key =~ /\t([^\t]*)$/; print "Location: $root$1\n\n"; } else { print "Location: $root$topfile\n\n"; } END