#!/usr/bin/python import sys, re; from structs import unions, structs, defines; # command line arguments arch = sys.argv[1]; outfile = sys.argv[2]; infiles = sys.argv[3:]; ########################################################################### # configuration #2: architecture information inttypes = {}; header = {}; footer = {}; # x86_32 inttypes["x86_32"] = { "unsigned long" : "uint32_t", "long" : "uint32_t", "xen_pfn_t" : "uint32_t", }; header["x86_32"] = """ #define __i386___X86_32 1 #pragma pack(4) """; footer["x86_32"] = """ #pragma pack() """; # x86_64 inttypes["x86_64"] = { "unsigned long" : "__align8__ uint64_t", "long" : "__align8__ uint64_t", "xen_pfn_t" : "__align8__ uint64_t", }; header["x86_64"] = """ #ifdef __GNUC__ # define __DECL_REG(name) union { uint64_t r ## name, e ## name; } # define __align8__ __attribute__((aligned (8))) #else # define __DECL_REG(name) uint64_t r ## name # define __align8__ FIXME #endif #define __x86_64___X86_64 1 """; # ia64 inttypes["ia64"] = { "unsigned long" : "__align8__ uint64_t", "long" : "__align8__ uint64_t", "xen_pfn_t" : "__align8__ uint64_t", "long double" : "__align16__ ldouble_t", }; header["ia64"] = """ #define __align8__ __attribute__((aligned (8))) #define __align16__ __attribute__((aligned (16))) typedef unsigned char ldouble_t[16]; """; ########################################################################### # main input = ""; output = ""; fileid = re.sub("[-.]", "_", "__FOREIGN_%s__" % outfile.upper()); # read input header files for name in infiles: f = open(name, "r"); input += f.read(); f.close(); # add header output += """ /* * public xen defines and struct for %s * generated by %s -- DO NOT EDIT */ #ifndef %s #define %s 1 """ % (arch, sys.argv[0], fileid, fileid) if arch in header: output += header[arch]; output += "\n"; # add defines to output for line in re.findall("#define[^\n]+", input): for define in defines: regex = "#define\s+%s\\b" % define; match = re.search(regex, line); if None == match: continue; if define.upper()[0] == define[0]: replace = define + "_" + arch.upper(); else: replace = define + "_" + arch; regex = "\\b%s\\b" % define; output += re.sub(regex, replace, line) + "\n"; output += "\n"; # delete defines, comments, empty lines input = re.sub("#define[^\n]+\n", "", input); input = re.compile("/\*(.*?)\*/", re.S).sub("", input) input = re.compile("\n\s*\n", re.S).sub("\n", input); # add unions to output for union in unions: regex = "union\s+%s\s*\{(.*?)\n\};" % union; match = re.search(regex, input, re.S) if None == match: output += "#define %s_has_no_%s 1\n" % (arch, union); else: output += "union %s_%s {%s\n};\n" % (union, arch, match.group(1)); output += "\n"; # add structs to output for struct in structs: regex = "struct\s+%s\s*\{(.*?)\n\};" % struct; match = re.search(regex, input, re.S) if None == match: output += "#define %s_has_no_%s 1\n" % (arch, struct); else: output += "struct %s_%s {%s\n};\n" % (struct, arch, match.group(1)); output += "typedef struct %s_%s %s_%s_t;\n" % (struct, arch, struct, arch); output += "\n"; # add footer if arch in footer: output += footer[arch]; output += "\n"; output += "#endif /* %s */\n" % fileid; # replace: defines for define in defines: if define.upper()[0] == define[0]: replace = define + "_" + arch.upper(); else: replace = define + "_" + arch; output = re.sub("\\b%s\\b" % define, replace, output); # replace: unions for union in unions: output = re.sub("\\b(union\s+%s)\\b" % union, "\\1_%s" % arch, output); # replace: structs + struct typedefs for struct in structs: output = re.sub("\\b(struct\s+%s)\\b" % struct, "\\1_%s" % arch, output); output = re.sub("\\b(%s)_t\\b" % struct, "\\1_%s_t" % arch, output); # replace: integer types integers = inttypes[arch].keys(); integers.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(len(b),len(a))); for type in integers: output = re.sub("\\b%s\\b" % type, inttypes[arch][type], output); # print results f = open(outfile, "w"); f.write(output); f.close;