comment testing start this is foo This is how a comment looks: # comment comment testing done make: "cond1" line 75: warning: extra else make: "cond1" line 85: warning: extra else 2 is prime A='other' B='unknown' C='clever' o='no,no' Passed: var ("var") (var != var) var != var !((var != var) && defined(name)) var == quoted 1 is not prime 2 is prime 3 is prime 4 is not prime 5 is prime make: warning: String comparison operator should be either == or != make: Bad conditional expression `"0" > 0' in "0" > 0?OK:No OK make: "error" line 3: just FYI make: "error" line 4: warning: this could be serious make: "error" line 5: this is fatal UT_DOLLAR=This is $UT_FU UT_FOO=foobar is fubar UT_FU=fubar UT_TEST=export UT_ZOO=hoopie UT_ALL=even this gets exported UT_BADDIR=unit-tests UT_DOLLAR=This is $UT_FU UT_F=fine UT_FOO=foobar is fubar UT_FU=fubar UT_NO=all UT_OK=good UT_OKDIR=unit-tests UT_TEST=export-all UT_ZOO=hoopie make: UT_TEST=export-env UT_ENV=not-exported UT_EXP=not-exported env: UT_TEST=export-env UT_ENV=exported UT_EXP=exported At first, I am happy and now: sad .ERROR: Looks like 'sad' is upset. *** Error code 1 Stop. make: stopped in unit-tests simple.1 simple.1 simple.2 simple.2 recursive.1.1.* recursive.1.1.* recursive.1.1.* recursive.1.1.* recursive.1.99 recursive.1.99 recursive.2.1.* recursive.2.1.* recursive.2.1.* recursive.2.1.* recursive.2.99 recursive.2.99 shared.0 shared.0 shared.1.99 shared.1.99 shared.2.1 shared.2.1 shared.2.99 shared.2.99 make: Graph cycles through `cycle.2.99' make: Graph cycles through `cycle.2.98' make: Graph cycles through `cycle.2.97' cycle.1.99 cycle.1.99 x=one x="two and three" x=four x="five" x=-I/this x=-I"This or that" x=-Ithat x="-DTHIS=\"this and that\"" cfl=-I/this -I"This or that" -Ithat "-DTHIS=\"this and that\"" a=one b="two and three" a=four b="five" a=ONE b="TWO AND THREE" a=FOUR b="FIVE" We expect an error next: make: "forloop" line 38: Wrong number of words (9) in .for substitution list with 2 vars make: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue make: stopped in unit-tests OK .for with :S;... OK b2af338b 3360ac65 7747f046 9ca87054 880fe816 208fcbd3 d5d376eb de41416c Expect: Unknown modifier 'Z' make: Unknown modifier 'Z' VAR:Z= Expect: Unknown modifier 'Z' make: Unknown modifier 'Z' VAR:Z= Expect: Unclosed variable specification for VAR make: Unclosed variable specification (expecting '}') for "VAR" (value "Thevariable") modifier S VAR:S,V,v,=Thevariable Expect: Unclosed variable specification for VAR make: Unclosed variable specification after complex modifier (expecting '}') for VAR VAR:S,V,v,=Thevariable Expect: Unclosed substitution for VAR (, missing) make: Unclosed substitution for VAR (, missing) VAR:S,V,v= LIB=a X_LIBS:M${LIB${LIB:tu}} is "/tmp/liba.a" LIB=a X_LIBS:M*/lib${LIB}.a is "/tmp/liba.a" LIB=a X_LIBS:M*/lib${LIB}.a:tu is "/TMP/LIBA.A" LIB=b X_LIBS:M${LIB${LIB:tu}} is "" LIB=b X_LIBS:M*/lib${LIB}.a is "" LIB=b X_LIBS:M*/lib${LIB}.a:tu is "" LIB=c X_LIBS:M${LIB${LIB:tu}} is "" LIB=c X_LIBS:M*/lib${LIB}.a is "" LIB=c X_LIBS:M*/lib${LIB}.a:tu is "" LIB=d X_LIBS:M${LIB${LIB:tu}} is "/tmp/libd.a" LIB=d X_LIBS:M*/lib${LIB}.a is "/tmp/libd.a" LIB=d X_LIBS:M*/lib${LIB}.a:tu is "/TMP/LIBD.A" LIB=e X_LIBS:M${LIB${LIB:tu}} is "/tmp/libe.a" LIB=e X_LIBS:M*/lib${LIB}.a is "/tmp/libe.a" LIB=e X_LIBS:M*/lib${LIB}.a:tu is "/TMP/LIBE.A" Mscanner=OK path=':/bin:/tmp::/:.:/no/such/dir:.' path='/bin:/tmp:/:/no/such/dir' path='/bin:/tmp:/:/no/such/dir' path='/bin':'/tmp':'/':'/no/such/dir' path='/bin':'/tmp':'/':'/no/such/dir' path_/usr/xbin=/opt/xbin/ paths=/bin /tmp / /no/such/dir /opt/xbin PATHS=/BIN /TMP / /NO/SUCH/DIR /OPT/XBIN The answer is 42 LIST = one two three four five six seven eight nine ten LIST:O = eight five four nine one seven six ten three two LIST:Ox = Ok LIST:O:Ox = Ok LISTX = Ok LISTSX = Ok make: Bad modifier `:OX' for LIST BADMOD 1 = } make: Bad modifier `:OxXX' for LIST BADMOD 2 = XX} LIST="one two three four five six" LIST:ts,="one,two,three,four,five,six" LIST:ts/:tu="ONE/TWO/THREE/FOUR/FIVE/SIX" LIST:ts::tu="ONE:TWO:THREE:FOUR:FIVE:SIX" LIST:ts:tu="ONETWOTHREEFOURFIVESIX" LIST:tu:ts/="ONE/TWO/THREE/FOUR/FIVE/SIX" LIST:ts:="one:two:three:four:five:six" LIST:ts="onetwothreefourfivesix" LIST:ts:S/two/2/="one2threefourfivesix" LIST:S/two/2/:ts="one2threefourfivesix" LIST:ts/:S/two/2/="one/2/three/four/five/six" Pretend the '/' in '/n' etc. below are back-slashes. LIST:ts/n="one two three four five six" LIST:ts/t="one two three four five six" LIST:ts/012:tu="ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX" make: Bad modifier `:tx' for LIST LIST:tx="}" make: Bad modifier `:ts\x' for LIST LIST:ts/x:tu="\x:tu}" FU_mod-ts="a/b/cool" FU_mod-ts:ts:T="cool" == cool? B.${AAA:ts}="Baaa" == Baaa? make: Bad modifier `:[]' for LIST LIST:[]="" is an error LIST:[0]="one two three four five six" LIST:[0x0]="one two three four five six" LIST:[000]="one two three four five six" LIST:[*]="one two three four five six" LIST:[@]="one two three four five six" LIST:[0]:C/ /,/="one,two three four five six" LIST:[0]:C/ /,/g="one,two,three,four,five,six" LIST:[0]:C/ /,/1g="one,two,three,four,five,six" LIST:[*]:C/ /,/="one,two three four five six" LIST:[*]:C/ /,/g="one,two,three,four,five,six" LIST:[*]:C/ /,/1g="one,two,three,four,five,six" LIST:[@]:C/ /,/="one two three four five six" LIST:[@]:C/ /,/g="one two three four five six" LIST:[@]:C/ /,/1g="one two three four five six" LIST:[@]:[0]:C/ /,/="one,two three four five six" LIST:[0]:[@]:C/ /,/="one two three four five six" LIST:[@]:[*]:C/ /,/="one,two three four five six" LIST:[*]:[@]:C/ /,/="one two three four five six" EMPTY="" EMPTY:[#]="1" == 1 ? ESCAPEDSPACE="\ " ESCAPEDSPACE:[#]="1" == 1 ? REALLYSPACE=" " REALLYSPACE:[#]="1" == 1 ? LIST:[#]="6" LIST:[0]:[#]="1" == 1 ? LIST:[*]:[#]="1" == 1 ? LIST:[@]:[#]="6" LIST:[1]:[#]="1" LIST:[1..3]:[#]="3" EMPTY:[1]="" ESCAPEDSPACE="\ " ESCAPEDSPACE:[1]="\ " REALLYSPACE=" " REALLYSPACE:[1]="" == "" ? REALLYSPACE:[*]:[1]=" " == " " ? LIST:[1]="one" make: Bad modifier `:[1.]' for LIST LIST:[1.]="" is an error make: Bad modifier `:[1].' for LIST LIST:[1].="}" is an error LIST:[2]="two" LIST:[6]="six" LIST:[7]="" LIST:[999]="" make: Bad modifier `:[-]' for LIST LIST:[-]="" is an error make: Bad modifier `:[--]' for LIST LIST:[--]="" is an error LIST:[-1]="six" LIST:[-2]="five" LIST:[-6]="one" LIST:[-7]="" LIST:[-999]="" LONGLIST:[17]="17" LONGLIST:[0x11]="17" LONGLIST:[021]="17" LIST:[0]:[1]="one two three four five six" LIST:[*]:[1]="one two three four five six" LIST:[@]:[1]="one" LIST:[0]:[2]="" LIST:[*]:[2]="" LIST:[@]:[2]="two" LIST:[*]:C/ /,/:[2]="" LIST:[*]:C/ /,/:[*]:[2]="" LIST:[*]:C/ /,/:[@]:[2]="three" make: Bad modifier `:[1.]' for LIST LIST:[1.]="" is an error make: Bad modifier `:[1..]' for LIST LIST:[1..]="" is an error LIST:[1..1]="one" make: Bad modifier `:[1..1.]' for LIST LIST:[1..1.]="" is an error LIST:[1..2]="one two" LIST:[2..1]="two one" LIST:[3..-2]="three four five" LIST:[-4..4]="three four" make: Bad modifier `:[0..1]' for LIST LIST:[0..1]="" is an error make: Bad modifier `:[-1..0]' for LIST LIST:[-1..0]="" is an error LIST:[-1..1]="six five four three two one" LIST:[0..0]="one two three four five six" LIST:[3..99]="three four five six" LIST:[-3..-99]="four three two one" LIST:[-99..-3]="one two three four" HASH="#" == "#" ? LIST:[${HASH}]="6" LIST:[${ZERO}]="one two three four five six" LIST:[${ZERO}x${ONE}]="one" LIST:[${ONE}]="one" LIST:[${MINUSONE}]="six" LIST:[${STAR}]="one two three four five six" LIST:[${AT}]="one two three four five six" make: Bad modifier `:[${EMPTY' for LIST LIST:[${EMPTY}]="" is an error LIST:[${LONGLIST:[21]:S/2//}]="one" LIST:[${LIST:[#]}]="six" LIST:[${LIST:[${HASH}]}]="six" LIST:S/ /,/="one two three four five six" LIST:S/ /,/W="one,two three four five six" LIST:S/ /,/gW="one,two,three,four,five,six" EMPTY:S/^/,/="," EMPTY:S/^/,/W="," LIST:C/ /,/="one two three four five six" LIST:C/ /,/W="one,two three four five six" LIST:C/ /,/gW="one,two,three,four,five,six" EMPTY:C/^/,/="," EMPTY:C/^/,/W="," LIST:tW="one two three four five six" LIST:tw="one two three four five six" LIST:tW:C/ /,/="one,two three four five six" LIST:tW:C/ /,/g="one,two,three,four,five,six" LIST:tW:C/ /,/1g="one,two,three,four,five,six" LIST:tw:C/ /,/="one two three four five six" LIST:tw:C/ /,/g="one two three four five six" LIST:tw:C/ /,/1g="one two three four five six" LIST:tw:tW:C/ /,/="one,two three four five six" LIST:tW:tw:C/ /,/="one two three four five six" Making the.c Making the.h Making the.o from the.h the.c .TARGET="phony" .PREFIX="phony" .IMPSRC="" .TARGET="all" .PREFIX="all" .IMPSRC="" .TARGET="ok" .PREFIX="ok" .IMPSRC="" .TARGET="also.ok" .PREFIX="also.ok" .IMPSRC="" .TARGET="bug" .PREFIX="bug" .IMPSRC="" Posix says we should execute the command as if run by system(3) Expect 'Hello,' and 'World!' Hello, World! a command a command prefixed by '+' executes even with -n another command make -n echo a command echo "a command prefixed by '+' executes even with -n" a command prefixed by '+' executes even with -n echo another command make -n -j1 { echo a command } || exit $? echo "a command prefixed by '+' executes even with -n" a command prefixed by '+' executes even with -n { echo another command } || exit $? Now we expect an error... *** Error code 1 (continuing) `all' not remade because of errors. V.i386 ?= OK TEST1=hello TEST2=bye TEST3=later FOOBAR = FOOBAR = foobar fubar fun fun fun In the Sun The answer is unknown The answer is unknown The answer is empty The answer is known The answer is The answer is empty The answer is known The answer is 42 The answer is 42 UT_DOLLAR=This is $UT_FU UT_FU=fubar UT_TEST=unexport UT_TEST=unexport-env default FU=<v>fu</v> FOO=<v>foo</v> VAR=<v></v> two FU=<v>bar</v> FOO=<v>goo</v> VAR=<v></v> three FU=<v>bar</v> FOO=<v>goo</v> VAR=<v></v> four FU=<v>bar</v> FOO=<v>goo</v> VAR=<v>Internal</v> five FU=<v>bar</v> FOO=<v>goo</v> VAR=<v>Internal</v> five v=is x k=is x six v=is y k=is y show-v v=override k=override *** Error code 1 (ignored) *** Error code 1 (ignored)