# $FreeBSD$ # # The include file <bsd.dep.mk> handles Makefile dependencies. # # # +++ variables +++ # # CTAGS A tags file generation program [gtags] # # CTAGSFLAGS Options for ctags(1) [not set] # # DEPENDFILE dependencies file [.depend] # # GTAGSFLAGS Options for gtags(1) [-o] # # HTAGSFLAGS Options for htags(1) [not set] # # MKDEP Options for ${MKDEPCMD} [not set] # # MKDEPCMD Makefile dependency list program [mkdep] # # SRCS List of source files (c, c++, assembler) # # DPSRCS List of source files which are needed for generating # dependencies, ${SRCS} are always part of it. # # +++ targets +++ # # cleandepend: # Remove depend and tags file # # depend: # Make the dependencies for the source files, and store # them in the file ${DEPENDFILE}. # # tags: # In "ctags" mode, create a tags file for the source files. # In "gtags" mode, create a (GLOBAL) gtags file for the # source files. If HTML is defined, htags(1) is also run # after gtags(1). .if !target(__<bsd.init.mk>__) .error bsd.dep.mk cannot be included directly. .endif CTAGS?= gtags CTAGSFLAGS?= GTAGSFLAGS?= -o HTAGSFLAGS?= .if ${CC} != "cc" MKDEPCMD?= CC='${CC} ${DEPFLAGS}' mkdep .else MKDEPCMD?= mkdep .endif DEPENDFILE?= .depend # Keep `tags' here, before SRCS are mangled below for `depend'. .if !target(tags) && defined(SRCS) && !defined(NO_TAGS) tags: ${SRCS} .if ${CTAGS:T} == "gtags" @cd ${.CURDIR} && ${CTAGS} ${GTAGSFLAGS} ${.OBJDIR} .if defined(HTML) @cd ${.CURDIR} && htags ${HTAGSFLAGS} -d ${.OBJDIR} ${.OBJDIR} .endif .else @${CTAGS} ${CTAGSFLAGS} -f /dev/stdout \ ${.ALLSRC:N*.h} | sed "s;${.CURDIR}/;;" > ${.TARGET} .endif .endif .if defined(SRCS) CLEANFILES?= .if !exists(${.OBJDIR}/${DEPENDFILE}) .for _S in ${SRCS:N*.[dhly]} ${_S:R}.o: ${_S} .endfor .endif # Lexical analyzers .for _LSRC in ${SRCS:M*.l:N*/*} .for _LC in ${_LSRC:R}.c ${_LC}: ${_LSRC} ${LEX} ${LFLAGS} -o${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC} .if !exists(${.OBJDIR}/${DEPENDFILE}) ${_LC:R}.o: ${_LC} .endif SRCS:= ${SRCS:S/${_LSRC}/${_LC}/} CLEANFILES+= ${_LC} .endfor .endfor # Yacc grammars .for _YSRC in ${SRCS:M*.y:N*/*} .for _YC in ${_YSRC:R}.c SRCS:= ${SRCS:S/${_YSRC}/${_YC}/} CLEANFILES+= ${_YC} .if !empty(YFLAGS:M-d) && !empty(SRCS:My.tab.h) .ORDER: ${_YC} y.tab.h ${_YC} y.tab.h: ${_YSRC} ${YACC} ${YFLAGS} ${.ALLSRC} cp y.tab.c ${_YC} CLEANFILES+= y.tab.c y.tab.h .elif !empty(YFLAGS:M-d) .for _YH in ${_YC:R}.h ${_YH}: ${_YC} ${_YC}: ${_YSRC} ${YACC} ${YFLAGS} -o ${_YC} ${.ALLSRC} SRCS+= ${_YH} CLEANFILES+= ${_YH} .endfor .else ${_YC}: ${_YSRC} ${YACC} ${YFLAGS} -o ${_YC} ${.ALLSRC} .endif .if !exists(${.OBJDIR}/${DEPENDFILE}) ${_YC:R}.o: ${_YC} .endif .endfor .endfor # DTrace probe definitions # libelf is currently needed for drti.o .if ${SRCS:M*.d} LDADD+= -lelf DPADD+= ${LIBELF} CFLAGS+= -I${.OBJDIR} .endif .for _DSRC in ${SRCS:M*.d:N*/*} .for _D in ${_DSRC:R} DHDRS+= ${_D}.h ${_D}.h: ${_DSRC} ${DTRACE} -xnolibs -h -s ${.ALLSRC} SRCS:= ${SRCS:S/^${_DSRC}$//} OBJS+= ${_D}.o CLEANFILES+= ${_D}.h ${_D}.o ${_D}.o: ${_DSRC} ${OBJS:S/^${_D}.o$//} ${DTRACE} -xnolibs -G -o ${.TARGET} -s ${.ALLSRC} .if defined(LIB) CLEANFILES+= ${_D}.So ${_D}.po ${_D}.So: ${_DSRC} ${SOBJS:S/^${_D}.So$//} ${DTRACE} -xnolibs -G -o ${.TARGET} -s ${.ALLSRC} ${_D}.po: ${_DSRC} ${POBJS:S/^${_D}.po$//} ${DTRACE} -xnolibs -G -o ${.TARGET} -s ${.ALLSRC} .endif .endfor .endfor beforedepend: ${DHDRS} beforebuild: ${DHDRS} .endif .if !target(depend) .if defined(SRCS) depend: beforedepend ${DEPENDFILE} afterdepend # Tell bmake not to look for generated files via .PATH .NOPATH: ${DEPENDFILE} # Different types of sources are compiled with slightly different flags. # Split up the sources, and filter out headers and non-applicable flags. MKDEP_CFLAGS= ${CFLAGS:M-nostdinc*} ${CFLAGS:M-[BIDU]*} ${CFLAGS:M-std=*} \ ${CFLAGS:M-ansi} MKDEP_CXXFLAGS= ${CXXFLAGS:M-nostdinc*} ${CXXFLAGS:M-[BIDU]*} \ ${CXXFLAGS:M-std=*} ${CXXFLAGS:M-ansi} ${CXXFLAGS:M-stdlib=*} DPSRCS+= ${SRCS} ${DEPENDFILE}: ${DPSRCS} rm -f ${DEPENDFILE} .if !empty(DPSRCS:M*.[cS]) ${MKDEPCMD} -f ${DEPENDFILE} -a ${MKDEP} \ ${MKDEP_CFLAGS} ${.ALLSRC:M*.[cS]} .endif .if !empty(DPSRCS:M*.cc) || !empty(DPSRCS:M*.C) || !empty(DPSRCS:M*.cpp) || \ !empty(DPSRCS:M*.cxx) ${MKDEPCMD} -f ${DEPENDFILE} -a ${MKDEP} \ ${MKDEP_CXXFLAGS} \ ${.ALLSRC:M*.cc} ${.ALLSRC:M*.C} ${.ALLSRC:M*.cpp} ${.ALLSRC:M*.cxx} .endif .if target(_EXTRADEPEND) _EXTRADEPEND: .USE ${DEPENDFILE}: _EXTRADEPEND .endif .ORDER: ${DEPENDFILE} afterdepend .else depend: beforedepend afterdepend .endif .if !target(beforedepend) beforedepend: .else .ORDER: beforedepend ${DEPENDFILE} .ORDER: beforedepend afterdepend .endif .if !target(afterdepend) afterdepend: .endif .endif .if !target(cleandepend) cleandepend: .if defined(SRCS) .if ${CTAGS:T} == "gtags" rm -f ${DEPENDFILE} GPATH GRTAGS GSYMS GTAGS .if defined(HTML) rm -rf HTML .endif .else rm -f ${DEPENDFILE} tags .endif .endif .endif .if !target(checkdpadd) && (defined(DPADD) || defined(LDADD)) _LDADD_FROM_DPADD= ${DPADD:R:T:C;^lib(.*)$;-l\1;g} # Ignore -Wl,--start-group/-Wl,--end-group as it might be required in the # LDADD list due to unresolved symbols _LDADD_CANONICALIZED= ${LDADD:N:R:T:C;^lib(.*)$;-l\1;g:N-Wl,--[es]*-group} checkdpadd: .if ${_LDADD_FROM_DPADD} != ${_LDADD_CANONICALIZED} @echo ${.CURDIR} @echo "DPADD -> ${_LDADD_FROM_DPADD}" @echo "LDADD -> ${_LDADD_CANONICALIZED}" .endif .endif