include("/boot/core.lua"); include("/boot/config.lua"); include("/boot/screen.lua"); include("/boot/drawer.lua"); menu = {}; function menu.draw(x, y, opts) screen.setcursor(x, y); print("Boot Menu"); for k, v in pairs(opts) do -- skip alias if k ~= "alias" then screen.setcursor(x, y + v.index); local name =; if (name == nil) then name = v.getName(); end print(k .. " - " .. name); end end end function menu.skip() if core.bootserial() then return true; end local c = string.lower(loader.getenv("console") or ""); if (c:match("^efi[ ;]") or c:match("[ ;]efi[ ;]")) ~= nil then return true; end c = string.lower(loader.getenv("beastie_disable") or ""); return c == "yes"; end function if menu.skip() then core.autoboot(); return; end if (opts == nil) then opts = menu.options; end local draw = function() screen.clear(); menu.draw(6, 11, opts); menu.drawbox(4, 10, 40, 10); drawer.drawbrand(); drawer.drawlogo(); screen.defcursor(); end draw(); menu.autoboot(); while true do local ch = string.char(io.getchar()); if (opts[ch] ~= nil) then local ret = opts[ch].func(); if (ret) then print("Exiting menu!\n"); return; end else --try alias key if opts.alias ~= nil then if opts.alias[ch] ~= nil then local ret = opts.alias[ch].func(); if (ret) then print("Exiting menu!\n"); return; end end end end draw(); end end function menu.drawbox(x, y, w, h) local hl = string.char(0xCD); local vl = string.char(0xBA); local tl = string.char(0xC9); local bl = string.char(0xC8); local tr = string.char(0xBB); local br = string.char(0xBC); screen.setcursor(x, y); print(tl); screen.setcursor(x, y+h); print(bl); screen.setcursor(x+w, y); print(tr); screen.setcursor(x+w, y+h); print(br); screen.setcursor(x+1, y); for i = 0, w-2 do print(hl); end screen.setcursor(x+1, y+h); for i = 0, w-2 do print(hl); end for i = 1, h-1 do screen.setcursor(x, y+i); print(vl); end for i = 1, h-1 do screen.setcursor(x+w, y+i); print(vl); end end function menu.autoboot() if menu.already_autoboot == true then return; end menu.already_autoboot = true; local ab = loader.getenv("autoboot_delay"); if ab == "NO" or ab == "no" then core.boot(); end ab = tonumber(ab) or 10; local x = loader.getenv("loader_menu_timeout_x") or 5; local y = loader.getenv("loader_menu_timeout_y") or 22; local endtime = loader.time() + ab; local time; repeat time = endtime - loader.time(); screen.setcursor(x, y); print("Autoboot in "..time.." seconds, hit [Enter] to boot" .." or any other key to stop "); screen.defcursor(); if io.ischar() then local ch = io.getchar(); if ch == 13 then break; else -- prevent autoboot when escaping to interpreter loader.perform("set autoboot_delay=NO"); -- erase autoboot msg screen.setcursor(0, y); print(" " .." "); screen.defcursor(); return; end end loader.delay(50000); until time <= 0 core.boot(); end menu.options = { -- Boot multi user ["1"] = { index = 1, name = "Boot Multi user "..color.highlight("[Enter]"), func = function () core.setSingleUser(false); core.boot(); end }, -- boot single user ["2"] = { index = 2, name = "Boot "..color.highlight("S").."ingle user", func = function () core.setSingleUser(true); core.boot(); end }, -- escape to interpreter ["3"] = { index = 3, name = color.highlight("Esc").."ape to lua interpreter", func = function () return true; end }, -- reboot ["4"] = { index = 4, name = color.highlight("R").."eboot", func = function () loader.perform("reboot"); end }, -- boot options ["5"] = { index = 5, name = "Boot "..color.highlight("O").."ptions", func = function (); return false; end }, ["6"] = { index = 6, getName = function () local k = core.kernelList(); if #k == 0 then return "Kernels (not availabe)"; end return "Kernels"; end, func = function() local kernels = {}; local ker = core.kernelList(); if #ker == 0 then return false; end kernels["1"] = { index = 1, name = "Return to menu "..color.highlight("[Backspace]"), func = function() return true; end }; kernels.alias = {["\008"] = kernels["1"]}; for k, v in ipairs(ker) do kernels[tostring(k+1)] = { index = k+1, name = v, func = function() config.reload(v); end }; end; return false; end } }; menu.options.alias = { ["\013"] = menu.options["1"], ["s"] = menu.options["2"], ["\027"] = menu.options["3"], ["r"] = menu.options["4"], ["o"] = menu.options["5"] }; function OnOff(str, b) if (b) then return str .. color.escapef(color.GREEN).."On"..color.escapef(color.WHITE); else return str .. color.escapef(color.RED).."off"..color.escapef(color.WHITE); end end boot_options = { ["1"] = { index = 1, name = "Back to menu"..color.highlight(" [Backspace]"), func = function () return true; end }, ["2"] = { index = 2, name = "Load System "..color.highlight("D").."efaults", func = function () core.setDefaults(); return false; end }, ["3"] = { index = 3, getName = function () return OnOff(color.highlight("A").."CPI :", core.acpi); end, func = function () core.setACPI(); return false; end }, ["4"] = { index = 4, getName = function () return OnOff("Safe "..color.highlight("M").."ode :",; end, func = function () core.setSafeMode(); return false; end }, ["5"] = { index = 5, getName = function () return OnOff(color.highlight("S").."ingle user:",; end, func = function () core.setSingleUser(); return false; end }, ["6"] = { index = 6, getName = function () return OnOff(color.highlight("V").."erbose :", core.verbose); end, func = function () core.setVerbose(); return false; end } } boot_options.alias = { ["\08"] = boot_options["1"], ["d"] = boot_options["2"], ["a"] = boot_options["3"], ["m"] = boot_options["4"], ["s"] = boot_options["5"], ["v"] = boot_options["6"] };