/* * Copyright (c) 2017, Spectra Logic Corporation * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * thislist of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or * other materials provided with the distribution. * * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <net/ethernet.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <net/if_dl.h> #include <net/if_lagg.h> #include <net/if_media.h> #include <net/if_types.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netinet/ip_carp.h> #include <netinet6/in6_var.h> #include <netinet6/nd6.h> #include <err.h> #include <errno.h> #include <ifaddrs.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <libifconfig.h> static const char *carp_states[] = { CARP_STATES }; static void print_carp(ifconfig_handle_t *lifh, struct ifaddrs *ifa) { struct carpreq carpr[CARP_MAXVHID]; int i; if (ifconfig_carp_get_info(lifh, ifa->ifa_name, carpr, CARP_MAXVHID)) { return; /* Probably not configured on this interface */ } for (i = 0; i < carpr[0].carpr_count; i++) { printf("\tcarp: %s vhid %d advbase %d advskew %d", carp_states[carpr[i].carpr_state], carpr[i].carpr_vhid, carpr[i].carpr_advbase, carpr[i].carpr_advskew); printf("\n"); } } static void print_inet4_addr(ifconfig_handle_t *lifh, struct ifaddrs *ifa) { struct ifconfig_inet_addr addr; char addr_buf[NI_MAXHOST]; if (ifconfig_inet_get_addrinfo(lifh, ifa->ifa_name, ifa, &addr) != 0) { return; } inet_ntop(AF_INET, &addr.sin->sin_addr, addr_buf, sizeof(addr_buf)); printf("\tinet %s", addr_buf); if (addr.dst) { printf(" --> %s", inet_ntoa(addr.dst->sin_addr)); } printf(" netmask 0x%x ", ntohl(addr.netmask->sin_addr.s_addr)); if ((addr.broadcast != NULL) && (addr.broadcast->sin_addr.s_addr != 0)) { printf("broadcast %s ", inet_ntoa(addr.broadcast->sin_addr)); } if (addr.vhid != 0) { printf("vhid %d ", addr.vhid); } printf("\n"); } static void print_inet6_addr(ifconfig_handle_t *lifh, struct ifaddrs *ifa) { struct ifconfig_inet6_addr addr; char addr_buf[NI_MAXHOST]; struct timespec now; /* Print the address */ if (ifconfig_inet6_get_addrinfo(lifh, ifa->ifa_name, ifa, &addr) != 0) { err(1, "ifconfig_inet6_get_addrinfo"); } if (0 != getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)addr.sin6, addr.sin6->sin6_len, addr_buf, sizeof(addr_buf), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)) { inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &addr.sin6->sin6_addr, addr_buf, sizeof(addr_buf)); } printf("\tinet6 %s", addr_buf); if (addr.dstin6) { inet_ntop(AF_INET6, addr.dstin6, addr_buf, sizeof(addr_buf)); printf(" --> %s", addr_buf); } /* Print the netmask */ printf(" prefixlen %d ", addr.prefixlen); /* Print the scopeid*/ if (addr.sin6->sin6_scope_id) { printf("scopeid 0x%x ", addr.sin6->sin6_scope_id); } /* Print the flags */ if ((addr.flags & IN6_IFF_ANYCAST) != 0) { printf("anycast "); } if ((addr.flags & IN6_IFF_TENTATIVE) != 0) { printf("tentative "); } if ((addr.flags & IN6_IFF_DUPLICATED) != 0) { printf("duplicated "); } if ((addr.flags & IN6_IFF_DETACHED) != 0) { printf("detached "); } if ((addr.flags & IN6_IFF_DEPRECATED) != 0) { printf("deprecated "); } if ((addr.flags & IN6_IFF_AUTOCONF) != 0) { printf("autoconf "); } if ((addr.flags & IN6_IFF_TEMPORARY) != 0) { printf("temporary "); } if ((addr.flags & IN6_IFF_PREFER_SOURCE) != 0) { printf("prefer_source "); } /* Print the lifetimes */ clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_FAST, &now); if (addr.lifetime.ia6t_preferred || addr.lifetime.ia6t_expire) { printf("pltime "); if (addr.lifetime.ia6t_preferred) { printf("%ld ", MAX(0l, addr.lifetime.ia6t_preferred - now.tv_sec)); } else { printf("infty "); } printf("vltime "); if (addr.lifetime.ia6t_expire) { printf("%ld ", MAX(0l, addr.lifetime.ia6t_expire - now.tv_sec)); } else { printf("infty "); } } /* Print the vhid */ if (addr.vhid != 0) { printf("vhid %d ", addr.vhid); } printf("\n"); } static void print_link_addr(ifconfig_handle_t *lifh, struct ifaddrs *ifa) { char addr_buf[NI_MAXHOST]; struct sockaddr_dl *sdl; int n; sdl = (struct sockaddr_dl *)ifa->ifa_addr; if ((sdl != NULL) && (sdl->sdl_alen > 0)) { if (((sdl->sdl_type == IFT_ETHER) || (sdl->sdl_type == IFT_L2VLAN) || (sdl->sdl_type == IFT_BRIDGE)) && (sdl->sdl_alen == ETHER_ADDR_LEN)) { ether_ntoa_r((struct ether_addr *)LLADDR(sdl), addr_buf); printf("\tether %s\n", addr_buf); } else { n = sdl->sdl_nlen > 0 ? sdl->sdl_nlen + 1 : 0; printf("\tlladdr %s\n", link_ntoa(sdl) + n); } } } static void print_ifaddr(ifconfig_handle_t *lifh, struct ifaddrs *ifa, void *udata __unused) { switch (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family) { case AF_INET: print_inet4_addr(lifh, ifa); break; case AF_INET6: /* * printing AF_INET6 status requires calling SIOCGIFAFLAG_IN6 * and SIOCGIFALIFETIME_IN6. TODO: figure out the best way to * do that from within libifconfig */ print_inet6_addr(lifh, ifa); break; case AF_LINK: print_link_addr(lifh, ifa); break; case AF_LOCAL: case AF_UNSPEC: default: /* TODO */ break; } } static void print_nd6(ifconfig_handle_t *lifh, struct ifaddrs *ifa) { struct in6_ndireq nd; if (ifconfig_get_nd6(lifh, ifa->ifa_name, &nd) == 0) { printf("\tnd6 options=%x\n", nd.ndi.flags); } else { err(1, "Failed to get nd6 options"); } } static void print_fib(ifconfig_handle_t *lifh, struct ifaddrs *ifa) { int fib; if (ifconfig_get_fib(lifh, ifa->ifa_name, &fib) == 0) { printf("\tfib: %d\n", fib); } else { err(1, "Failed to get interface FIB"); } } static void print_lagg(ifconfig_handle_t *lifh, struct ifaddrs *ifa) { struct lagg_protos lpr[] = LAGG_PROTOS; struct ifconfig_lagg_status *ls; struct lacp_opreq *lp; const char *proto = "<unknown>"; int i; if (ifconfig_lagg_get_lagg_status(lifh, ifa->ifa_name, &ls) < 0) { if (ifconfig_err_errno(lifh) == EINVAL) { return; } err(1, "Failed to get interface lagg status"); } /* First print the proto */ for (i = 0; i < nitems(lpr); i++) { if (ls->ra->ra_proto == lpr[i].lpr_proto) { proto = lpr[i].lpr_name; break; } } printf("\tlaggproto %s", proto); /* Now print the lagg hash */ if (ls->rf->rf_flags & LAGG_F_HASHMASK) { const char *sep = ""; printf(" lagghash "); if (ls->rf->rf_flags & LAGG_F_HASHL2) { printf("%sl2", sep); sep = ","; } if (ls->rf->rf_flags & LAGG_F_HASHL3) { printf("%sl3", sep); sep = ","; } if (ls->rf->rf_flags & LAGG_F_HASHL4) { printf("%sl4", sep); sep = ","; } } putchar('\n'); printf("\tlagg options:\n"); printf("\t\tflags=%x", ls->ro->ro_opts); putchar('\n'); printf("\t\tflowid_shift: %d\n", ls->ro->ro_flowid_shift); if (ls->ra->ra_proto == LAGG_PROTO_ROUNDROBIN) { printf("\t\trr_limit: %d\n", ls->ro->ro_bkt); } printf("\tlagg statistics:\n"); printf("\t\tactive ports: %d\n", ls->ro->ro_active); printf("\t\tflapping: %u\n", ls->ro->ro_flapping); for (i = 0; i < ls->ra->ra_ports; i++) { lp = (struct lacp_opreq *)&ls->ra->ra_port[i].rp_lacpreq; printf("\tlaggport: %s ", ls->ra->ra_port[i].rp_portname); printf("flags=%x", ls->ra->ra_port[i].rp_flags); if (ls->ra->ra_proto == LAGG_PROTO_LACP) { printf(" state=%x", lp->actor_state); } putchar('\n'); } printf("\n"); ifconfig_lagg_free_lagg_status(ls); } static void print_laggport(ifconfig_handle_t *lifh, struct ifaddrs *ifa) { struct lagg_reqport rp; if (ifconfig_lagg_get_laggport_status(lifh, ifa->ifa_name, &rp) < 0) { if ((ifconfig_err_errno(lifh) == EINVAL) || (ifconfig_err_errno(lifh) == ENOENT)) { return; } else { err(1, "Failed to get lagg port status"); } } printf("\tlaggdev: %s\n", rp.rp_ifname); } static void print_groups(ifconfig_handle_t *lifh, struct ifaddrs *ifa) { struct ifgroupreq ifgr; struct ifg_req *ifg; int len; int cnt = 0; if (ifconfig_get_groups(lifh, ifa->ifa_name, &ifgr) != 0) { err(1, "Failed to get groups"); } ifg = ifgr.ifgr_groups; len = ifgr.ifgr_len; for (; ifg && len >= sizeof(struct ifg_req); ifg++) { len -= sizeof(struct ifg_req); if (strcmp(ifg->ifgrq_group, "all")) { if (cnt == 0) { printf("\tgroups: "); } cnt++; printf("%s ", ifg->ifgrq_group); } } if (cnt) { printf("\n"); } free(ifgr.ifgr_groups); } static void print_media(ifconfig_handle_t *lifh, struct ifaddrs *ifa) { int i; /* Outline: * 1) Determine whether the iface supports SIOGIFMEDIA or SIOGIFXMEDIA * 2) Get the full media list * 3) Print the current media word * 4) Print the active media word, if different * 5) Print the status * 6) Print the supported media list * * How to print the media word: * 1) Get the top-level interface type and description * 2) Print the subtype * 3) For current word only, print the top type, if it exists * 4) Print options list * 5) Print the instance, if there is one * * How to get the top-level interface type * 1) Shift ifmw right by 0x20 and index into IFM_TYPE_DESCRIPTIONS * * How to get the top-level interface subtype * 1) Shift ifmw right by 0x20, index into ifmedia_types_to_subtypes * 2) Iterate through the resulting table's subtypes table, ignoring * aliases. Iterate through the resulting ifmedia_description * tables, finding an entry with the right media subtype */ struct ifmediareq *ifmr; char opts[80]; if (ifconfig_media_get_mediareq(lifh, ifa->ifa_name, &ifmr) != 0) { if (ifconfig_err_errtype(lifh) != OK) { err(1, "Failed to get media info"); } else { return; /* Interface doesn't support media info */ } } printf("\tmedia: %s %s", ifconfig_media_get_type(ifmr->ifm_current), ifconfig_media_get_subtype(ifmr->ifm_current)); if (ifmr->ifm_active != ifmr->ifm_current) { printf(" (%s", ifconfig_media_get_subtype(ifmr->ifm_active)); ifconfig_media_get_options_string(ifmr->ifm_active, opts, sizeof(opts)); if (opts[0] != '\0') { printf(" <%s>)\n", opts); } else { printf(")\n"); } } else { printf("\n"); } if (ifmr->ifm_status & IFM_AVALID) { printf("\tstatus: %s\n", ifconfig_media_get_status(ifmr)); } printf("\tsupported media:\n"); for (i = 0; i < ifmr->ifm_count; i++) { printf("\t\tmedia %s", ifconfig_media_get_subtype(ifmr->ifm_ulist[i])); ifconfig_media_get_options_string(ifmr->ifm_ulist[i], opts, sizeof(opts)); if (opts[0] != '\0') { printf(" mediaopt %s\n", opts); } else { printf("\n"); } } free(ifmr); } static void print_iface(ifconfig_handle_t *lifh, struct ifaddrs *ifa, void *udata __unused) { int metric, mtu; char *description = NULL; struct ifconfig_capabilities caps; struct ifstat ifs; printf("%s: flags=%x ", ifa->ifa_name, ifa->ifa_flags); if (ifconfig_get_metric(lifh, ifa->ifa_name, &metric) == 0) { printf("metric %d ", metric); } else { err(1, "Failed to get interface metric"); } if (ifconfig_get_mtu(lifh, ifa->ifa_name, &mtu) == 0) { printf("mtu %d\n", mtu); } else { err(1, "Failed to get interface MTU"); } if (ifconfig_get_description(lifh, ifa->ifa_name, &description) == 0) { printf("\tdescription: %s\n", description); } if (ifconfig_get_capability(lifh, ifa->ifa_name, &caps) == 0) { if (caps.curcap != 0) { printf("\toptions=%x\n", caps.curcap); } if (caps.reqcap != 0) { printf("\tcapabilities=%x\n", caps.reqcap); } } else { err(1, "Failed to get interface capabilities"); } ifconfig_foreach_ifaddr(lifh, ifa, print_ifaddr, NULL); /* This paragraph is equivalent to ifconfig's af_other_status funcs */ print_nd6(lifh, ifa); print_media(lifh, ifa); print_groups(lifh, ifa); print_fib(lifh, ifa); print_carp(lifh, ifa); print_lagg(lifh, ifa); print_laggport(lifh, ifa); if (ifconfig_get_ifstatus(lifh, ifa->ifa_name, &ifs) == 0) { printf("%s", ifs.ascii); } free(description); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ifconfig_handle_t *lifh; if (argc != 1) { errx(1, "Usage: example_status"); } lifh = ifconfig_open(); if (lifh == NULL) { errx(1, "Failed to open libifconfig handle."); } if (ifconfig_foreach_iface(lifh, print_iface, NULL) != 0) { err(1, "Failed to get interfaces"); } ifconfig_close(lifh); lifh = NULL; return (-1); }