


enum                NMSettingWiredError;
#define             NM_TYPE_SETTING_WIRED_ERROR
#define             NM_SETTING_WIRED_ERROR
GQuark              nm_setting_wired_error_quark        (void);
#define             NM_SETTING_WIRED_PORT
#define             NM_SETTING_WIRED_SPEED
#define             NM_SETTING_WIRED_DUPLEX
#define             NM_SETTING_WIRED_MAC_ADDRESS
#define             NM_SETTING_WIRED_MTU
#define             NM_SETTING_WIRED_S390_SUBCHANNELS
#define             NM_SETTING_WIRED_S390_NETTYPE
#define             NM_SETTING_WIRED_S390_OPTIONS
GType               nm_setting_wired_get_type           (void);
NMSetting *         nm_setting_wired_new                (void);
const char *        nm_setting_wired_get_port           (NMSettingWired *setting);
guint32             nm_setting_wired_get_speed          (NMSettingWired *setting);
const char *        nm_setting_wired_get_duplex         (NMSettingWired *setting);
gboolean            nm_setting_wired_get_auto_negotiate (NMSettingWired *setting);
const GByteArray *  nm_setting_wired_get_mac_address    (NMSettingWired *setting);
const GByteArray *  nm_setting_wired_get_cloned_mac_address
                                                        (NMSettingWired *setting);
guint32             nm_setting_wired_get_mtu            (NMSettingWired *setting);
const GPtrArray *   nm_setting_wired_get_s390_subchannels
                                                        (NMSettingWired *setting);
const char *        nm_setting_wired_get_s390_nettype   (NMSettingWired *setting);
guint32             nm_setting_wired_get_num_s390_options
                                                        (NMSettingWired *setting);
gboolean            nm_setting_wired_get_s390_option    (NMSettingWired *setting,
                                                         guint32 idx,
                                                         const char **out_key,
                                                         const char **out_value);
const char *        nm_setting_wired_get_s390_option_by_key
                                                        (NMSettingWired *setting,
                                                         const char *key);
gboolean            nm_setting_wired_add_s390_option    (NMSettingWired *setting,
                                                         const char *key,
                                                         const char *item);
gboolean            nm_setting_wired_remove_s390_option (NMSettingWired *setting,
                                                         const char *key);

Object Hierarchy



  "auto-negotiate"           gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct
  "cloned-mac-address"       GArray_guchar_*       : Read / Write
  "duplex"                   gchar*                : Read / Write
  "mac-address"              GArray_guchar_*       : Read / Write
  "mtu"                      guint                 : Read / Write / Construct
  "port"                     gchar*                : Read / Write
  "s390-nettype"             gchar*                : Read / Write
  "s390-options"             GHashTable_gchararray+gchararray_*  : Read / Write
  "s390-subchannels"         GPtrArray_gchararray_*  : Read / Write
  "speed"                    guint                 : Read / Write / Construct




#define NM_SETTING_WIRED_SETTING_NAME "802-3-ethernet"

enum NMSettingWiredError

typedef enum
} NMSettingWiredError;


#define NM_TYPE_SETTING_WIRED_ERROR (nm_setting_wired_error_get_type ()) 


#define NM_SETTING_WIRED_ERROR nm_setting_wired_error_quark ()

nm_setting_wired_error_quark ()

GQuark              nm_setting_wired_error_quark        (void);


#define NM_SETTING_WIRED_PORT "port"


#define NM_SETTING_WIRED_SPEED "speed"


#define NM_SETTING_WIRED_DUPLEX "duplex"


#define NM_SETTING_WIRED_AUTO_NEGOTIATE "auto-negotiate"


#define NM_SETTING_WIRED_MAC_ADDRESS "mac-address"


#define NM_SETTING_WIRED_CLONED_MAC_ADDRESS "cloned-mac-address"


#define NM_SETTING_WIRED_MTU "mtu"


#define NM_SETTING_WIRED_S390_SUBCHANNELS "s390-subchannels"


#define NM_SETTING_WIRED_S390_NETTYPE "s390-nettype"


#define NM_SETTING_WIRED_S390_OPTIONS "s390-options"


typedef struct _NMSettingWired NMSettingWired;


typedef struct {
	NMSettingClass parent;

	/* Padding for future expansion */
	void (*_reserved1) (void);
	void (*_reserved2) (void);
	void (*_reserved3) (void);
	void (*_reserved4) (void);
} NMSettingWiredClass;

nm_setting_wired_get_type ()

GType               nm_setting_wired_get_type           (void);

nm_setting_wired_new ()

NMSetting *         nm_setting_wired_new                (void);

nm_setting_wired_get_port ()

const char *        nm_setting_wired_get_port           (NMSettingWired *setting);

nm_setting_wired_get_speed ()

guint32             nm_setting_wired_get_speed          (NMSettingWired *setting);

nm_setting_wired_get_duplex ()

const char *        nm_setting_wired_get_duplex         (NMSettingWired *setting);

nm_setting_wired_get_auto_negotiate ()

gboolean            nm_setting_wired_get_auto_negotiate (NMSettingWired *setting);

nm_setting_wired_get_mac_address ()

const GByteArray *  nm_setting_wired_get_mac_address    (NMSettingWired *setting);

nm_setting_wired_get_cloned_mac_address ()

const GByteArray *  nm_setting_wired_get_cloned_mac_address
                                                        (NMSettingWired *setting);

nm_setting_wired_get_mtu ()

guint32             nm_setting_wired_get_mtu            (NMSettingWired *setting);

nm_setting_wired_get_s390_subchannels ()

const GPtrArray *   nm_setting_wired_get_s390_subchannels
                                                        (NMSettingWired *setting);

Return the list of s390 subchannels that identify the device that this connection is applicable to. The connection should only be used in conjunction with that device.

setting :

the NMSettingWired

Returns :

a GPtrArray of strings, each specifying one subchannel the s390 device uses to communicate to the host.

nm_setting_wired_get_s390_nettype ()

const char *        nm_setting_wired_get_s390_nettype   (NMSettingWired *setting);

Returns the s390 device type this connection should apply to. Will be one of 'qeth', 'lcs', or 'ctc'.

setting :

the NMSettingWired

Returns :

the s390 device type

nm_setting_wired_get_num_s390_options ()

guint32             nm_setting_wired_get_num_s390_options
                                                        (NMSettingWired *setting);

Returns the number of s390-specific options that should be set for this device when it is activated. This can be used to retrieve each s390 option individually using nm_setting_wired_get_s390_option().

setting :

the NMSettingWired

Returns :

the number of s390-specific device options

nm_setting_wired_get_s390_option ()

gboolean            nm_setting_wired_get_s390_option    (NMSettingWired *setting,
                                                         guint32 idx,
                                                         const char **out_key,
                                                         const char **out_value);

Given an index, return the value of the s390 option at that index. indexes are *not* guaranteed to be static across modifications to options done by nm_setting_wired_add_s390_option() and nm_setting_wired_remove_s390_option(), and should not be used to refer to options except for short periods of time such as during option iteration.

setting :

the NMSettingWired

idx :

index of the desired option, from 0 to nm_setting_wired_get_num_s390_options() - 1

out_key :

on return, the key name of the s390 specific option; this value is owned by the setting and should not be modified

out_value :

on return, the value of the key of the s390 specific option; this value is owned by the setting and should not be modified

Returns :

TRUE on success if the index was valid and an option was found, FALSE if the index was invalid (ie, greater than the number of options currently held by the setting)

nm_setting_wired_get_s390_option_by_key ()

const char *        nm_setting_wired_get_s390_option_by_key
                                                        (NMSettingWired *setting,
                                                         const char *key);

Returns the value associated with the s390-specific option specified by key, if it exists.

setting :

the NMSettingWired

key :

the key for which to retrieve the value

Returns :

the value, or NULL if the key/value pair was never added to the setting; the value is owned by the setting and must not be modified

nm_setting_wired_add_s390_option ()

gboolean            nm_setting_wired_add_s390_option    (NMSettingWired *setting,
                                                         const char *key,
                                                         const char *item);

nm_setting_wired_remove_s390_option ()

gboolean            nm_setting_wired_remove_s390_option (NMSettingWired *setting,
                                                         const char *key);

Property Details

The "auto-negotiate" property

  "auto-negotiate"           gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct

If TRUE, allow auto-negotiation of port speed and duplex mode. If FALSE, do not allow auto-negotiation,in which case the 'speed' and 'duplex' properties should be set.

Default value: TRUE

The "cloned-mac-address" property

  "cloned-mac-address"       GArray_guchar_*       : Read / Write

If specified, request that the device use this MAC address instead of its permanent MAC address. This is known as MAC cloning or spoofing.

The "duplex" property

  "duplex"                   gchar*                : Read / Write

If specified, request that the device only use the specified duplex mode. Either 'half' or 'full'.

Default value: NULL

The "mac-address" property

  "mac-address"              GArray_guchar_*       : Read / Write

If specified, this connection will only apply to the ethernet device whose permanent MAC address matches. This property does not change the MAC address of the device (i.e. MAC spoofing).

The "mtu" property

  "mtu"                      guint                 : Read / Write / Construct

If non-zero, only transmit packets of the specified size or smaller, breaking larger packets up into multiple Ethernet frames.

Default value: 0

The "port" property

  "port"                     gchar*                : Read / Write

Specific port type to use if multiple the device supports multiple attachment methods. One of 'tp' (Twisted Pair), 'aui' (Attachment Unit Interface), 'bnc' (Thin Ethernet) or 'mii' (Media Independent Interface. If the device supports only one port type, this setting is ignored.

Default value: NULL

The "s390-nettype" property

  "s390-nettype"             gchar*                : Read / Write

s390 network device type; one of 'qeth', 'lcs', or 'ctc', representing the different types of virtual network devices available on s390 systems.

Default value: NULL

The "s390-options" property

  "s390-options"             GHashTable_gchararray+gchararray_*  : Read / Write

Dictionary of key/value pairs of s390-specific device options. Both keys and values must be strings. Allowed keys include 'portno', 'layer2', 'portname', 'protocol', among others. Key names must contain only alphanumeric characters (ie, [a-zA-Z0-9]).

The "s390-subchannels" property

  "s390-subchannels"         GPtrArray_gchararray_*  : Read / Write

Identifies specific subchannels that this network device uses for communcation with z/VM or s390 host. Like "mac-address" for non-z/VM devices, this property can be used to ensure this connection only applies to the network device that uses these subchannels. The list should contain exactly 3 strings, and each string may only be composed of hexadecimal characters and the period (.) character.

The "speed" property

  "speed"                    guint                 : Read / Write / Construct

If non-zero, request that the device use only the specified speed. In Mbit/s, ie 100 == 100Mbit/s.

Default value: 0